Interprofessional Healthcare Education Networking Summit: Best Practices in Interprofessional Education & Collaborative Practice

The Quinnipiac University Center for Interprofessional Healthcare Education is proud to host a networking summit for Best Practices in Interprofessional Education (IPE) and Interprofessional Collaborative Practice (IPCP). The summit will unite college and university faculty, healthcare practitioners and administrators to create a resource bank of evidence-based literature supporting interprofessional healthcare education and generating ideas to increase IPCP.

Through this one-day, in-person event on our North Haven Campus, you will forge deep relationships with colleagues in the field and better understand how to develop curriculum for students to meet accreditation standards in interprofessional healthcare education and apply IPCP in practice.

This event will be conducted in a networking format so participants can learn with, by, from and beside each other regarding best practices in IPE/IPCP. Participants who complete this workshop will receive a letter of participation and may also qualify for a micro-credential awarded by Quinnipiac University. Please visit our website to learn more and register:

Event Date: 
Friday, September 27, 2024 - 8:00am to 3:30pm CDT
Quinnipiac University North Haven Campus370 Bassett Road North Haven, CT 06473