Nexus Summit 2023 Seminar Showcase: Putting the Health Back in Health Care Professional Students: An Asynchronous Interprofessional Health Promotion Course




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This webinar is part of the Nexus Summit 2023 Seminar Showcase series. You may register for this and the other webinars in the Series here.

Series Description:

The Nexus Summit Seminar Showcase is a free webinar series from the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education. The seminar showcase features the highest rated peer-reviewed seminars offered during last year’s annual conference, the Nexus Summit 2023, and covers topics ranging from artificial intelligence (AI), longitudinal assessment strategies, team well-being, health equity, multi-institutional models, and interprofessional advocacy, among others.  Offered between March - July 2024, the Nexus Summit Seminar Showcase will provide an opportunity to learn from, with, and about the work being done to improve practice, education and health for those we serve.


Priority Category/Summit theme: This seminar presents a method for addressing one proposed Quadruple Aim strategy, improving the clinician experience. Our focus considers health professions students and how to use the virtual classroom to enhance their future experience as practitioners. While not a typical consideration for the focus of interprofessional education, the increasingly alarming rates of anxiety, depression, burnout and other maladaptive responses to stress among health care professionals has resulted in educators seeking ways to prepare students for the healthcare workplace and to increase the longevity of their careers. This session provides an example of how interdisciplinary faculty addressed the need for interprofessional education in their respective training programs, as well as the need to address these potential concerns with their students. By explicitly including this course in health profession student training, we hope to normalize these experiences and provide learners with access to interventions that have moderate to robust evidence for increasing vitality and engagement and/or preventing or managing anxiety, depression and burnout. The course featured here is part of a larger resiliency training program for health professionals. The asynchronous course featured in this session is a four week course which presenters piloted with interprofessional health professions students (medicine, nursing, PT, social work, counseling). The course presents ten evidence-based interventions that serve as protective features and/or strategies for managing anxiety, depression and burnout and is designed so learners consider their use, not only for improved personal well-being, but also how they can be used to manage stress on a team. Students were assigned to interprofessional teams and discussed, among their team, the various interventions they selected to explore. In week 3, participants view a video of a team member who is having a terrible, horrible, very bad day that starts with a flat tire, which makes her late to her shift, which influences the other team members. The video takes her through the day and the stressors she deals with. Participants are asked to submit to their group the interventions that could be recommended for this team member.

Description: The seminar highlights the free, asynchronous interprofessional course that was piloted with over 600 interprofessional students in Winter 2023. Seminar attendees will be able to tour the course ‘as students’, see how the course integrates considerations of stress within members of a team, and learn how the course can be used in their local setting.


  • Discuss the free course and the Evidence-Based Interventions featured in the course.
  • Understand how the course was designed to provide opportunities for students to practice at least one evidence-based intervention they were curious about and one they were skeptical about.
  • Consider how the course was designed to provide tools to address stress for a team member.
  • Know how to access the course for use in local settings.

Active learning: The session design is ‘participant as health profession student’. Proposed agenda:

  • Welcome and introduction to the course (15 minutes)
  • Individual activity (15 minutes): Participants tour the course, view student assignments and view at least one evidence-based intervention module
  • Large group debrief (5 minutes): Opportunity to discuss their experience and/or ask questions about the course.
  • Large group activity (15 minutes): View video designed to provide a realistic example of a team member under stress and an opportunity for students to consider which interventions would be useful for that team member.
  • Large Group discussion and questions (10 minutes): Discuss the video and its applications. Address questions about the course and how to access it.

Knowledge/Actionable skills: The seminar provides an example of a virtual, asynchronous, interactive interprofessional learning experience that focuses on mitigating the physical, affective, and emotional impacts of stress. It provides access to knowledge and experiences that can have immediate personal impact and application for attendees, and offers a free resource that can be utilized in local settings.



Denise Kay, PhD, University of Central Florida

Katherine Daly, PhD, MA, University of Central Florida

Laurie Neely, PT, DPT, University of Central Florida

Asli Yalim, MSW, PhD, University of Central Florida

Desiree Diaz, PhD, FNP-BC, CNE, CHSE-A, ANEF, FSSH, FAAN, University of Central Florida

Denyi Canario Asencio, RYT 200, University of Central Florida

Melissa Cowan, MA, University of Central Florida

Magdalena Pasarica, MD, PhD, University of Central Florida

Monica Bailey, MA, University of Central Florida


Event Date: 
Wednesday, May 08, 2024 - 11:00am CDT