Collaborating Across Borders VII: Call for Abstracts - due March 1, 2019



Collaborating Across Borders VII is North America’s premier interprofessional health care education and collaborative practice conference. The conference theme is “Crossroads of Collaboration”, and it will bring together a wide range of submissions with the focus on improving health outcomes.


Call for Abstracts 

For CAB VII, the Program and Executive Committees are calling for abstracts for focused symposiums, oral presentations, poster presentations, interactive workshops, and roundtable discussions.

The theme of the conference, “Crossroads of Collaboration”, hopes to bring together a wide range of submissions with the focus on improving health outcomes. The following broad tracks have been chosen to ensure a variety of perspective, ideas, and strategies:

  • Education
  • Leadership
  • Practice
  • Policy


Deadline to submit: March 1


For more details, including the submission link, visit the CAB VII website.