IPE Centers, Programs and Initiatives

Connecting IPE Centers, Programs and Initiatives


The commitment to interprofessional practice and education is taking hold across the United States. Educational institutions and health systems are implementing a variety of organizational models to support the advancement of interprofessional practice and education learning across classroom and practice-based experiences. Explore the interactive map below or search directly to locate organizations with a focused commitment to IPE implementation across the country, or in your own community.

Please use this form to suggest or update an IPE center, program, or initiative.

This resource was made possible through a collaboration with the American Interprofessional Health Collaborative, the professional community of the National Center. A special thank you to AIHC members for their contributions.



"Blank US Map" by Theshibboleth is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0
University of Alaska - College of Health Center for Interprofessional EducationAK
Leslie C. Redmond, PhD., MS, RDNAssistant Professor, Department of Dietetics and Nutrition. Interprofessional Education Committee Chairlcredmond@alaska.edu
Britteny M. Howell, Ph.D., CPG, CDPAssistant Professor, Division of Population Health Sciences. Interprofessional Education Committee Vice-chairbmhowell2@alaska.edu
The University of Alabama in Huntsville College of Nursing - Learning & Technology Resource CenterAL
Lori Lioce, DNP, FNP-BC, CHSE-A, CHSOS, FAANPClinical Professor & Executive Directorlori.lioce@uah.edu
Jacksonville State University - JSU Interprofessional EducationAL
Tracey Dexter Matthews, DPEDean, College of Health Professions and Wellnesstdmatthews@jsu.edu
University of Alabama at Birmingham - Center for Interprofessional Education and Simulation (CIPES)AL
Allison Shorten, PhD, RN, RM, FACM, FAANDirector, Office of Interprofessional Curriculumashorten@uab.edu
Tuskegee UniversityAL
April Jones, LMSW, PhDIPE Directorajones@tuskegee.edu
Tracey Shannon, RNIPE Committee Chairtshannon@tuskegee.edu
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences - Office of Interprofessional EducationAR
Kathryn Neill, PharmDDirector of Inteprofessional Administrative and Curricular Affairskkneill@uams.edu
Wendy L. Ward, PhD, ABPPDirector of Interprofessional Faculty Developmentwward@uams.edu
University of Central Arkansas - Interprofessional Teaching CenterAR
Chad Lairamore, PT, PhD, FNAPAssociate Dean for Interprofessional Education and Community Engagementchadl@uca.edu
University of Central Arkansas - College of Health and Behavioral Sciences, Interprofessional Education ProgramAR
Duston Morris, PhD, MS, CHEsAssociate Professor, Chair of IPE Committeedustonm@uca.edu
Arizona State University - Center for Advancing Interprofessional Practice, Education, and Research (CAIPER)AZ
Yvonne Price, MAMCCAIPER Associate Directoryvonne.price@asu.edu
Barret Michalec, PhDDirector, Center for Advancing Interprofessional Practice, Education, & Researchbarret.michalec@asu.edu
Arizona State University - Student Health Outreach and Wellness (SHOW) Community InitiativeAZ
Kaitlyn N. Felix, MSProgram Directorknfelix@asu.edu
Liz Harrell, DNP, PMHNP-BCCo-Founderlizharrell@asu.edu
Kelly Ramella, EdD, LRT/CTRSDirector of Community Engaged Learningkelly.ramella@asu.edu
University of Arizona College of Medicine Phoenix - Interprofessional Education & Practice CurriculumAZ
LeeAnne Denny, MDDirector, Interprofessional Education Programladenny@email.arizona.edu
A.T. Still University - Office of Interprofessional Education and Collaboration - Arizona CampusAZ
Brenda C Higgins, EdD, MSN, APRN-BC, FNPAsst. Director of Interprofessional Education & Collaborationbrendahiggins@atsu.edu
Touro University of California - IPE CommitteeCA
DorAnne Donesky, PhD ANP-BCProfessordoranne.donesky@tu.edu
Cedars-Sinai Health SystemCA
Russell Metcalfe-Smith, MSc. NRP CHSE-A CHSOS-A FSSHExecutive Director Interprofessional Education and Simulation/Associate Professor, Surgeryrussell.metcalfesmith@csmc.edu
Arleen Orozco, BSProject Manager, Interprofessional Education and Simulationarleen.orozco@cshs.org
University of the PacificCA
Nader A. Nadershahi, DDS, MBA, EdDDeannnadersh@pacific.edu
University of California San Francisco - Program for Interprofessional Practice and Education (PIPE)CA
Maria Wamsley, MDDirector of PIPE and Professor of Medicinemaria.wamsley@ucsf.edu
Angel Kuo, EdD, MSN, PNPAssociate Director of PIPE and Clinical Professor & Vice Chair Department of Family Healthcare Nursingangel.kuo@ucsf.edu
University of Southern California - VIPECA
Cheryl Resnik, MSHCM, DPTAssociate Professor of Clinical Physical Therapyresnik@pt.usc.edu
Marshall B. Ketchum University - Center for Interprofessional StudiesCA
Sandra Guzman Fineman, MPAS, PA-CAssistant Vice President of the Centers for Interprofessional Studiessfineman@ketchum.edu
Judy Ortiz, Ph.D., PA-C, DFAAPAVice President for Academics Affairsjortiz@ketchum.edu
Kaiser Permanente Bernard J. Tyson School of Medicine - Interprofessional Collaboration (IPC) PartnershipCA
Wendy S. Madigosky, MD, MSPH, FAAFPInterprofessional Collaboration (IPC) Lead, Associate Professor of Health System Sciencewendy.s.madigosky@kp.org
California Baptist University, College of Nursing - Called2Collaborate Interprofessional Education CenterCA
Dayna L Herrera, DNP, RN, PHNDepartment Chair of Interprofessional Education & Learning Resource Centerdherrera@calbaptist.edu
Western University of Health Sciences - Interprofessional Education ProgramCA
John Tegzes, MA, VMD, Dipl. ABVTDirector of Interprofessional Educationjtegzes@westernu.edu
Jasmine Wong Yumori, OD, FAAOInterim Director of Interprofessional Practice and Education; Associate Professorjyumori@westernu.edu
Phillip Mitchell, MSAssistant Director, Interprofessional Education Programpmitchell@westernu.edu
Jillian Rivard, PhDSenior Research Analystjrivard@westernu.edu
University of Colorado Anschutz Campus - CU Center for Interprofessional Practice & EducationCO
Suzanne Brandenburg, MDDirector, CU CIPEsuzanne.brandenburg@cuanschutz.edu
Reesie RolandProgram Manager, CU CIPEreesie.roland@cuanschutz.edu
Michelle Colarelli, MAInstructional Designermichelle.colarelli@cuanschutz.edu
Elshimaa Bashsa, MPH, CHSEDirector, Clinical Transformationelshimaa.basha@cuanschutz.edu
Amy Nordon-Craft, PT, DScCourse Director, Interprofessional Collaborative Practiceamy.nordon-craft@cuanschutz.edu
Catherine Campisi, MSN, RN, PMHNP-BCCourse Director Interprofessional Healthcare Ethics & Health Equitycatherine.campisi@cuanschutz.edu
Regis University - RHCHP IP Education and PracticeCO
Shelene Thomas, PT, DPT, EdD, GCSIP Coordinatorsthomas@regis.edu
Quinnipiac University - Center for Interprofessional Healthcare EducationCT
Julie Booth, PT, DPT, PCS Emeritus, FNAPDirector, Center for Interprofessional Healthcare Educationjulie.booth@quinnipiac.edu
The George Washington University - GWU Public Health: Dept. of Health Policy and ManagementDC
Andrew C. Wiss, PhD, EdMProfessorial Lecturer - Health Policy and Management and Director of Online Learningawiss@gwu.edu
George Washington University - Inter-professional Education ProjectDC
Margaret Plack, Ed.D., D.P.T., P.T.Interim Chair, Clinical Research and Leadershipmplack@gwu.edu
National Academies of Practice (NAP)DC
Jody Frost, PT, DPT, PhD, FAPTA, FNAPNAP Presidentjodygandy@comcast.net
Lauran HardinNAP Vice President of Partnerships and Networkinglhardin@camdenhealth.org
Jacksonville University - Healthcare Simulation CenterFL
Kathleen Kavanagh DMH, MSN Ed RNExecutive Director and Nursing Facultykkavana2@ju.edu
Florida Atlantic University - Office of Interprofessional Education & PracticeFL
Terry Eggenberger, PhD, RN, NEA-BC, CNE, CNL, FNAPExecutive Directorteggenbe@health.fau.edu
Aloha Balza, MPAAssistant Directorabalza1@fau.edu
Nova Southeastern University - The Center for Interprofessional Education and PracticeFL
Elizabeth Swann, PhD, ATCExecutive Director of The Center for Interprofessional Education and Practiceswann@nova.edu
Kimberly Valenti, MEdDirector of Interprofessional Education for KPCOMkw242@nova.edu
Palm Beach Atlantic, Gregory School of Pharmacy - Interprofessional Education and Collaboration in Advancing Patient SafetyFL
Mariette Sourial, PharmDDirector of Interprofessional Educationmariette_sourial@pba.edu
University of South Florida - Office of Interprofessional Education and PracticeFL
Haru Okuda, MD, FACEP, FSSHExecutive Directoryokuda@usf.edu
Shaterra Blocker, CHWCAssistant Directorswhite4@usf.edu
University of West Florida - Center for Interprofessional Education and PracticeFL
Andi Nelson, PT, DPT, CLT, GCS EmeritusCo-Director of the UWF Center for Interprofessional Education and Practiceanelson@uwf.edu
Katie Cavnar, MS, MLS (ASCP)Co-Director of the UWF Center for Interprofessional Education and Practicekcavnar@uwf.edu
University of Florida - Office of Interprofessional EducationFL
Amy Blue, PhDAssociate Vice President, Interprofessional Educationamy.blue@phhp.ufl.edu
Emory University - Woodruff Health Sciences Center, Office of Interprofessional Education and Collaborative PracticeGA
Beth Ann Swan, PhD, RN, FAANProfessor, Clinical Track; Co-Directorbeth.ann.swan@emory.edu
Jodie Guest, PhD, MPHProfessor, Co-Directorjodie.guest@emory.edu
Georgia Southern University, College of Health Professions - Interprofessional Health Professions CollaborationGA
Janet BuelowInterprofessional Taskforce Co-ChairJanet.Buelow@armstrong.edu
Debra HagertyInterprofessional Taskforce Co-Chairdebra.hagerty@armstrong.edu
The University of Hawaii at Manoa - Hawaii Interprofessional Education (HIPE) workgroupHI
Lorrie Wong, PhD, RN, CHSE-ADirector of UH THSSC & Associate Professorlorriew@hawaii.edu
University of Iowa - IPE@IowaIA
April PruntyDirector of Simulation and IPEapril-prunty@uiowa.edu
Mike KellyAssociate Dean for Professional Educationmichael-w-kelly@uiowa.edu
David AspreyPhysician Assistant Studies, DEOdavid-asprey@uiowa.edu
Des Moines University IPEIA
Teri Stumbo, PhD, PTAssocaite Dean of the College of Health Sciencesteri.stumbo@dmu.edu
Julie Ronnebaum, PhD, DPTAssociate ProfessorJulie.Ronnebaum@dmu.edu
Briar Cliff University - Center for Interprofessional Education, Practice and Scholarship (CIEPS)IA
Soren Grieve, DPTAssistant Professor, Physical Therapysoren.grieve@briarcliff.edu
Boise State University, College of Health Sciences - Interprofessional EducationID
Phil Ford, PhD, ATC, LAT, PES, CESCoordinator of Interprofessional Education - College of Health Sciencesphilipford@boisestate.edu
Loyola University Chicago - Institute for Transformative Interprofessional Education (I-TIE)IL
Frances Vlasses, PhD, RN, ANEF, FAANCo-Directorfvlasse@luc.edu
Aaron Michelfelder, MD, FAAFP, FAAMACo-Directoramichel@lumc.edu
Jill Cuba, JDProgram Coordinatorjcuba@luc.edu
Harper College - Center for Interprofessional Simulation and InnovationIL
Caitrin Sobota, MSN, RN, CHSEDirector of Interprofessional Education and Healthcare Simulationcsobota@harpercollege.edu
Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science - DeWitt C. Baldwin Institute for Interprofessional EducationIL
James Carlson, MS, PhD, PA-C , CHSE-AVice President for Inteprofessional Education and Simulationjames.carlson@rosalindfranklin.edu
Marilyn Hanson, EdDAssociate Vice President for Interprofessional Operationsmarilyn.hanson@rosalindfranklin.edu
University of Illinois Chicago - Center for the Advancement of InterProfessional Practice, Education and Research (CAIPPER)IL
Mary T. Keehn, PT, DPT, MHPEAssistant Vice Chancellor for Interprofessional Practice and Educationmkeehn@uic.edu
Rush University - Office of Interprofessional EducationIL
Jan Odiaga, APRN, DNP, CPNP-PCDirector of IPEipe@rush.edu
Christopher P. Bruti, MPH/MDco-directorChristopher_P_Bruti@rush.edu
Theresa Gierlowski, MPMproject managerTheresa_Gierlowski@rush.edu
Mary Jo Guglielmo, MPHco-directorMary_J_Guglielmo@rush.edu
Grisel Rodriquez-Morales, MSW, LCSWGrisel_Rodriguez-Morales@rush.edu
Lynette Richter, DNP, CCRNco-directorLynette_Richter@rush.edu
Steven J Taylor, OTD, OTR/Lco-directorSteven_J_Taylor@rush.edu
Indiana Wesleyan University - IPE Task ForceIN
Ruth A. Eby, DNPDeanruth.eby@indwes.edu
Indiana University - Interprofessional Practice and Education CenterIN
Barbara Maxwell, PhD, DPT, MSc, Cert THE, FNAPAssociate Dean & Executive Directorbarmaxwe@iu.edu
University of Southern Indiana - Interprofessional Education and Practice ProgramIN
Ruth MetzgerDepartment Contactremetzger@usi.edu
Elizabeth KalbDepartment Contacteakalb@usi.edu
Ball State University - College of HealthIN
Justin Tobyas, EdDDirector, Interprofessional Education and Practicejjtobyas@bsu.edu
The University of Kansas Center for Interprofessional Practice, Education and ResearchKS
Kristy Johnston, MSWDirectorkjohnston3@kumc.edu
Serra GoodmanAssistant to the Directorsgoodman@kumc.edu
Northern Kentucky University - NKY Nursing & Interprofessional CollaborativeKY
Jitana Benton-Lee, DNP, MSN, MBA-HC, RN, NEA-BC, CNENIRC Director, Associate Professorbentonleej1@nku.edu
Louisiana State University A&M (Baton Rouge) - Master of Science in Athletic TrainingLA
Rebecca Hirschhorn, PhD, LAT, ATC, NRAEMTAssistant Professor of Professional Practicerhirschhorn@lsu.edu
University of New Orleans - Healthcare Management ProgramLA
Randy D. Kearns, DHA, MSA, FACHE, FRSPH, CEMAssistant Professorrkearns@uno.edu
Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, New Orleans - Center for Interprofessional Education and Collaborative PracticeLA
Colette Baudoin, PhD (c), MSN, RN, CNE, OCNFaculty Council, School of Nursingcbaud4@lsuhsc.edu
Michael Dicharry, MDFaculty Council, School of Medicinemdicha@lsuhsc.edu
Susanne C. Straif-Bourgeois, PhD, MPH, MSFaculty Council, School of Public Healthsstra1@lsuhsc.edu
Scott Edwards, PhDFaculty Council, School of Graduate Studiessedwa5@lsuhsc.edu
Heather B. Allen, RDH, BSDH, MSHCMFaculty Council, School of Dentistryhharo@lsuhsc.edu
Daniel Held, MHS, MT(ASCP)SBBFaculty Council, School of Allied Health Professionsdheld1@lsuhsc.edu
University of Louisiana at Lafayette - College of Nursing and Health SciencesLA
Lisa Delhommelisa.delhomme@louisiana.edu
Aimee Grosaimee.gros@louisiana.edu
Southeastern Louisiana University - College of Nursing and Health Science IPECP CenterLA
Luanne Billingsley, DNP, MBA, ACNS-BC, CNE, PMP, CPHQAssociate Professor School of Nursing, IPEC Facilitatorluanne.billingsley@selu.edu
Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) Institute - Center for Interprofessional Studies and Innovation (CIPSI)MA
Regina F. Doherty, OTD, OT, OTR, FAOTA, FNAPDean and Professorrdoherty@mghihp.edu
Peter S. Cahn, PhDAssociate Provost for Academic Affairs, Director and Professorpcahn@mghihp.edu
Salem State University - The Center for Interprofessional Education and CollaborationMA
Jeramie Silveira, OTD, MSOTExecutive Directorjsilveira@salemstate.edu
Carol Gawrys, DNP, RNClinical Program Coordinatorcgawrys@salemstate.edu
Springfield College - Health Sciences CenterMA
Melih Elcin, MD, MS, CHSE-AAssistant Dean for IPEmelcin@springfieldcollege.edu
Boston University - College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences: Sargent CollegeMA
Craig Slater, PhDDirector, Interprofessional Education and Practicecslater@bu.edu
The Peter Lamy Center on Drug Therapy and Aging - IPE Care in Geriatrics, Aging in Place ProgramMD
Nicole J. Brandt, PharmD, MBA, BCGP, BCPP, FASCPExecutive Director, The Peter Lamy Center on Drug Therapy and Aging Professor, Pharmacy Practice and Sciencenbrandt@rx.umaryland.edu
Barbara Resnick, PhD, RN, CRNP, FAAN, FAANPProfessor Organizational Systems and Adult Health Co-Director Biology and Behavior Across the Lifespan Organized Research Centerresnick@umaryland.edu
Daniel Mansour, PharmD, FASCP, BCGP, AGSFInterprofessional Clinical Coordinator, The Peter Lamy Center on Drug Therapy and Agingdmansour@rx.umaryland.edu
University of Maryland - Center for Interprofessional EducationMD
Reetta Gach, MSSenior Program Specialistrgach@umaryland.edu
Jane M. Kirschling, PhD, RN, FAANDirectorkirschling@umaryland.edu
Heather Congdon, PharmD, BCPS, CDECo-Directorhcongdon@rx.umaryland.edu
Joseph P. Martinez, MDCo-Directorjmartinez@som.umaryland.edu
University of Maryland - The Universities at Shady Grove - DHHS Interprofessional Scholars ProgramMD
Katie MorrisShady Grove Program Director University of Maryland, Baltimore Countykath@umbc.edu
Maine College of Health Professions - Gould Center for Interprofessional EducationME
Ann Curtis, DNP, RNDirector of Interprofessional Educationann.curtis@mchp.edu
University of New England - Interprofessional Education CollaborativeME
Shelley Cohen Konrad, Ph.D., L.C.S.W., F.N.A.P.Directorscohenkonrad@une.edu
The Healing Palace Inc - a step ABOVE the rest (c) community mental health worker training programMI
Dr Chontay Taylor Glenn, PhD, RN, PMHNP-BCPsychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Trainer & Consultantthehealingpalaceinc@gmail.com
University of Michigan - Michigan Center for Interprofessional EducationMI
Rajesh S. Mangrulkar, MDDirectorrajm@umich.edu
Vani Patterson, MPHAdministrative Directorvanims@umich.edu
Grand Valley State University - Midwest Interprofessional Practice, Education, and Research Center (MIPERC) MIMI
Denise Ludwig, PhD, CCC-SLP, FNAP, ACUEDirector: IPE Center and MIPERCludwigde@gvsu.edu
Wayne State University - Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences IPE CommitteeMI
Aline Saad, PharmDClinical Associate Professor, Director of Faculty Development, Coordinator of IPE, Pharmacy Practice Departmentaline.saad@wayne.edu
Jamie McQueen, Masters of Physician Assistant StudiesClinical Assistant Professorjamie_mcqueen@wayne.edu
Oakland University - Explorations in Collaborative Leadership and Interprofessional Education (ECLIPSE)MI
Kelli Dowd, MA - Educational LeadershipCoordinator for Student Services, Leadership, and Engagementkdowd@oakland.edu
Eastern Michigan University - Center for Interprofessional Education, Research & Practice (CIERP)MI
Jillian Graves, PhD, LMSWAssociate Professor of Social Work, Interim Co-Director of IPE Centerjgrave14@emich.edu
Andrea Gossett Zakrajsek, OTD, MS, OTRL, FNAPInterim Associate Dean, Professor of Social Work Co-Director of IPE Centerazakrajs@emich.edu
Ferris State University - Interprofessional Education TaskforceMI
Lisa Salvati, PharmDAssociate Professor, Co-Chair IPE Taskforcelisasalvati@ferris.edu
Oakland University - Interprofessional Education (IPE) TaskforceMI
Kris Thompson, PT, MPH, PhDkathomps@oakland.edu
Deb Doherty, PT, PhDdoherty@oakland.edu
University of Minnesota - Center for Interprofessional HealthMN
Brian Sick, MD, FNAPCo-Director, Center for Interprofessional Healthdrbsick@umn.edu
Sara North, PT, DPT, PhD, M.Ed., FNAPCo-Director, Center for Interprofessional Healthsnorth@umn.edu
Cheri Friedrich, DNP, RN, CPNP-PC, FNAPCo-Director, Center for Interprofessional Healthfried020@umn.edu
St. Catherine University - Interprofessional Education DepartmentMN
Lisa L. Dutton, PT, PhDDean - Health Scienceslldutton@stkate.edu
Mid-MO Area Health Education CenterMO
Franz G KindelStudent Education Coordinatorfranz@maheclibrary.org
Susan Bowels, EdDHealth Careers Coordinatorsbowles@maheclibrary.org
A.T. Still University - Office of Interprofessional Education and Collaboration - Missouri CampusMO
Brenda C Higgins, EdD, MSN, APRN-BC, FNPAsst. Director of Interprofessional Education & Collaborationbrendahiggins@atsu.edu
Saint Louis University - Center for Interprofessional Education and ResearchMO
David Pole, PhD, MPHDirector, Center for Interprofessional Education and Researchdavid.pole@health.slu.edu
University of Missouri Kansas City - Health Professions Interprofessional Education and CollaborationMO
Stefanie Ellison, MDUMKC SOM Associate Dean for Learning Initiatives, Chair UMKC IPE Steering Committeeellisonst@umkc.edu
Valerie Ruehter, PharmD, BCPPUMKC School of Pharmacy, Director of Experiential Learningruehtervl@umkc.edu
University of Montana - College of Health IPE programMT
Kerry Haney, PharmDCo-chair IPE Steering committeekerry.haney@umontana.edu
Sue Ostertag, PTCo-chair IPE Steering committeesue.ostertag@umontana.edu
Transitions LifeCare - Transitions LifeCare Learning InstituteNC
Christine Khandelwal, DOVice President of Education and Community Outreachckhandelwal@transitionslifecare.org
Mark Philbrick, RNDirector of Educationmphilbrick@transitionslifecare.org
Campbell University - Office of Interprofessional EducationNC
Paige Brown, PharmDAssistant Dean of Interprofessional Educationbrownp@campbell.edu
Marisa VaskalisDirector of Interprofessional Educationmvaskalis@campbell.edu
Jill Forcina, PhD, RN, CNE, CNL, OCNDirector of Education and Nursingjill_forcina@ncahec.net
Elyssa Tucker, MPHHealth Professions Student Liasonelyssa_tucker@ncahec.net
East Carolina University - The Office of Interprofessional Education and CollaborationNC
Stephen Charles, MABMH, MS, PhD, CHSEInterim Assistant Vice Chancellor for Interprofessional Collaborationcharless16@ecu.edu
Duke University - Academy for Health Professions Education and Academic Development (AHEAD)NC
Diana McNeill, MD, FACPDirectormcnei006@mc.duke.edu
Kristin DickersonProject Coordinatorkristin.dickerson@duke.edu
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - Office of Interprofessional Education and PracticeNC
Meg Zomorodi, PhD, RN, CNLAssistant Provost and Director, Office of Interprofessional Education and Practicemeg_zomorodi@unc.edu
Madeline NealDirector of Special Programs, Office of Interprofessional Education and Practicemnneal@email.unc.edu
Carolinas College of Health Sciences - RISE: Realizing Interprofessional Student EducationNC
Alisha Jones, MS, RT(R)(CT)(ARRT)Program Chair, Radiologic Technology; IPE Coordinatoralisha.jones2@atriumhealth.org
University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences - Office of Interprofessional EducationND
Eric L. Johnson, MDProfessor, Director of Interprofessional Education, Office of Interprofessional Educationeric.l.johnson@med.und.edu
Michelle Montgomery, MSW, LCSWAssistant Director, Office of Interprofessional Educationm.montgomery@und.edu
Creighton University - Center for Interprofessional Practice, Education and Research (CIPER)NE
Jennifer Jessen, EdD, RN, CNOR, FNAPExecutive Director of CIPERjenniferjessen@creighton.edu
University of Nebraska Medical Center - Interprofessional Education ProgramNE
Devin Nickol, MDCo-Chair, Assistant Dean for Interprofessional Education, Academic Affairsdnickol@unmc.edu
Gary C. Yee, PharmD, FCCP, BCOPCo-Chair, Professor, Pharmacy Practice, Associate Dean, Academic Affairsgcyee@unmc.edu
Clarkson College - Interprofessional EducationNE
Sarah Flanagan, MSW, MPA, LCSWDirector of Community Health and Interprofessional Educationipeservice@clarksoncollege.edu
Rutgers University - RBHS Office of Interprofessional Programs, Rutgers Biomedical and Health SciencesNJ
Denise V. Rodgers, MD, FAAFPVice Chancellor for Interprofessional Programsdenise.rodgers@rutgers.edu
Seton Hall University - School of Health and Medical Sciences - Center for Interprofessional Education in Health SciencesNJ
Genevieve Pinto Zipp, PT, EdD, FNAPProfessor, Director -Center for Interprofessional Education in the Health Sciences (CIPEHS)genevieve.zipp@shu.edu
University of New Mexico - Office of Interprofessional EducationNM
Kevin M. Schroeder, DAT, LAT, ATC, FNAPDirector, Health Sciences Center Interprofessional Education Programkmsatc@unm.edu
University of Nevada Reno - Nevada Interprofessional Education ConsortiumNV
Jackie Ferdowsali, DNP, APRN, AGACNP-BCAssociate Professorjferdowsali@unr.edu
University of Nevada, Las Vegas - Interprofessional Education and Practice - UNLV Academic HealthNV
Lori Porter, EdD, MBA, RDN, CAE, FNAPDirector Interprofessional Education and Practicelori.porter@unlv.edu
Nazareth College - York Wellness & Rehabilitation InstituteNY
Cathy Rasmussen, PhD, CCC-SLPAssociate Dean, York Institute Directorcrasmus0@naz.edu
University of Rochester Medical Center - Institute for Innovative EducationNY
Sarah Peyre, EdDDirectorSarah_Peyre@URMC.Rochester.edu
New York University Rory Meyers College of Nursing - Oral Health Nursing Education and Practice Program (OHNEP)NY
Judith Haber, PhD, APRN, FAANExecutive Directorjh33@nyu.edu
Jessamin Cipollina, MAProgram Managerjessamin.cipollina@nyu.edu
Columbia University - Columbia Commons IPENY
Rita CharonExecutive Directorrac5@cumc.columbia.edu
Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine- Harlem Campus - Touro University Office for Interprofessional Collaboration and EducationNY
Matsuko Takeshige, DO, FACPAssistant Professor, Physician, IPE Coordinatormatsuko.takeshige@touro.edu
City University of New York - CUNY IPE InitiativeNY
Patricia Simino Boyce, PhD, RNUniversity Dean for Health & Human Servicespatricia.boyce@cuny.edu
D’Youville College – Department of Inter-Professional Practice and EducationNY
COLLEEN DOWD, RN, MSNDirector, Interprofessional Education Collaborativedowdc@dyc.edu
SUNY Upstate Medical University - Office of Interprofessional EducationNY
Darren Carboni, MBA, CAS-HSMPDirector, Office of Interprofessional Education and University Simulationcarbonid@upstate.edu
Binghamton University Interprofessional Education ProgramNY
Patti Reuther, MS, RN, CHSEDirector of Interprofessional Education, Executive Director of Simulation and Practice for Decker Collegepreuther@binghamton.edu
University at Buffalo - The Office of Interprofessional Practice and EducationNY
Michael J Oldani, PhD, MSExecutive Directormjoldani@buffalo.edu
New York University - Interprofessional EducationNY
Maja Djukic, PhD, RNAssistant Professormd1359@nyu.edu
Xavier University - Interprofessional TeamingOH
Joan Tunningley, Med, OTR/L, BCPChair, Occupational Therapytunningleyj@xavier.edu
Mount St. Joseph University - Interprofessional Education Advisory CommitteeOH
Jamie Bayliss, PT, MPT, DHScAssistant Professor, Director of Clinical Education - Physical Therapy, Chair - Interprofessional Education Committeejamie.bayliss@msj.edu
Darla Vale, PhD, RN, CCRN-KDean, School of Health Sciencesdarla.vale@msj.edu
Northeast Ohio Medical University - William G. Wasson Center and Interprofessional Education ServiceOH
Teriah WhiteAssistant Director, Operationstwhite2@neomed.edu
Holly Gerzina, M.ed, PhD, CHSEExecutive Directorhgerzina@neomed.edu
The University of Toledo - School for the Advancement of Interprofessional EducationOH
Cristina Alvarado, MBA, BSN, RN, CHSEDirector, Immersive and Simulation-based Learningcristina.alvarado@utoledo.edu
Erin MastinProgram Managererin.mastin@utoledo.edu
Case Western Reserve University - Office of Interprofessional and Interdisciplinary Education and ResearchOH
Tyler Reimschisel, MD, MHPEFounding Associate Provost for Interprofessional Education, Research and Collaborative Practicetyler.reimschisel@case.edu
The Ohio State UniversityOH
Andrea Pfeifle, EdD, PT, FNAPAssociate Vice Chancellor for Interprofessional Practice and Educationandrea.pfeifle@osumc.edu
Derrick Wyman, MBAAdministrative Director for Interprofessional Practice and Educationderrick.wyman@osumc.edu
The University of Toledo - College of Nursing - Learning Resource CenterOH
Martha Sexton, PhD, RN, CNSDirector, LRC and Interprofessional SimulationMartha.sexton@utoledo.edu
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center - Office of Interdisciplinary ProgramsOK
Margaret Robinson, M.Ed.Assistant DirectorMargaret-Robinson@ouhsc.edu
Oregon Health & Science University - Interprofessional InitiativeOR
Elena Andresen, PhDInterim Senior Vice President and Provostandresee@ohsu.edu
Penn State College of Medicine Office of Interprofessional Collaborative Education and Teamwork (ICE-T)PA
Kelly Karpa, RPh, PhDDirectorkjd136@psu.edu
Leslie Womeldorf, MSN, MEd, RN, CNECo-Directorlgw14@psu.edu
Sol DeJesus, MDCo-Directorsdejesus@pennstatehealth.psu.edu
Drexel University - Center for Interprofessional Clinical Simulation and PracticePA
Dr. Kymberlee Montgomery, DNP, APRN-WHNP-BC, CNE. FNAP, FAANP, FAANSenior Associate Dean of Nursing and Student Serviceskae33@drexel.edu
Dr. Kate Morse, PhD, MSN, RN, CHSE, ACNP-retAssistant Dean , Experiential Learning and Innovationcjm69@drexel.edu
Thomas Jefferson University - Jefferson Center for Interprofessional Practice & Education (JCIPE)PA
Brooke Salzman, MDCo-Director, Associate Provost of Interprofessional Practice and EducationBrooke.Salzman@jefferson.edu
Amber King, PharmD, BCPS, FNAPCo-Director, Associate Provost of Interprofessional Practice and Educationamber.king@jefferson.edu
University of Pittsburgh - Center for Interprofessional Practice and EducationPA
Victoria Hornyak, PT, DPT, GCSAssociate Professor and Chairperson, Working Group on Interprofessional Educationvhornyak@pitt.edu
Brown UniversityRI
Hedy Wald, PhDdgaree@mvnu.edu
The University of Rhode Island - Interprofessional Education and Practice InitiativeRI
Phillip Clark, ScDProfessor and Director, Gerontology Programaging@uri.edu
Barbara Sweeney, MSW, MPH, CFLEProject Managerbarbara_sweeney@uri.edu
Brian Quilliam, PhDAssociate Dean, College of Health Sciencesbquilliam@uri.edu
University of South Carolina Interprofessional Education for the Health SciencesSC
Betsy Blake, PharmD, BCPS, FNAPClinical Associate Professor and Director of Interprofessional Education, College of Pharmacyblake@cop.sc.edu
Teri Browne, PhD, MSWDean and Professor, College of Social Workbrownetm@mailbox.sc.edu
Medical University of South Carolina - Office of Interprofessional InitiativesSC
Jeffrey J. Borckardt, Ph.D.Assistant Provost, Interprofessional Initiativesborckard@musc.edu
University of South Dakota - Interprofessional Health Education Center (IHEC)SD
Sabina Kupershmidt, PhDAssistant Professor Nursing, IHEC chairsabina.kupershmidt@usd.edu
Lana Svien, PT, PhDInterim Dean School of Health Sciences, IHEC directorL.Svien@usd.edu
University of Tennessee Health Science Center - Interprofessional Education (IPE), Office of Academic, Faculty, and Student AffairsTN
Elizabeth Hall, PharmD, BCPS, BCPPSAssistant Vice Chancellor, Academic, Faculty, and Student Affairsliz.hall@uthsc.edu
Belmont University - Center for Interprofessional Engagement and SimulationTN
Tracy Frame, PharmD, BCACPDirector of Interprofessional Engagementtracy.frame@belmont.edu
East Tennessee State University - Academic Health Sciences Center - Center for Interprofessional CollaborationTN
L. Brian Cross, PharmD, FNAPAssistant Vice Provost, and Director, Center for Interprofessional Collaborationcrossl@etsu.edu
Alicia Williams, EdD, MA, CSACAssociate Director, Center for Interprofessional Collaborationwilliamssa1@etsu.edu
Lincoln Memorial University - Debusk College of Osteopathic Medicine - Center for Interprofessional Education and SimulationTN
Sherry Jimenez, EdD, CHCP, CHSE, FNAOMESenior Associate Dean of IPE, Simulation and Accreditationsherry.jimenez@LMUnet.edu
Jeremy Buchanan, BSSW, PMPProject Manager, Interprofessional Educational (IPE) Developmentjeremy.buchanan@lmunet.edu
Vanderbilt University - Program in Interprofessional LearningTN
Shannon Cole, DNP, APRN-BCvpil@vanderbilt.edu
Melissa Hilmes, MDm.hilmes@vumc.org
University of Tennessee Health Science Center - Department of Interprofessional EducationTN
Charles Snyder, PhD, MPH, EdMChair, Department of Interprofessional Educationcsnyde16@uthsc.edu
UTHealth Houston - Center for Interprofessional CollaborationTX
Jennifer Swails, MD, FACPAssociate Professor, co-director of IPEjennifer.l.swails@uth.tmc.edu
Tiffany Champagne Langabeer, PhD, FHIMSSAssociate Professor, co-director of IPEtiffany.champagne@uth.tmc.ed
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer CenterTX
Helene Phu, MEd, RN, CHSEProgram Directorhphu@mdanderson.org
Texas Southern University College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences - Division of Interprofessional Practice and SimulationTX
Portia Davis, Pharm.D.Interim Executive Director, Division of Interprofessional Practice and Simulationportia.davis@tsu.edu
Texas A&M University Health - Office of Interprofessional Practice, Education & Research (IPER)TX
Christine L. Kaunas, EdD, MPHAssistant Vice Presidentckaunas@tamu.edu
The University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth - Department of Interprofessional Education and PracticeTX
Cynthia Carroll MA, LPC, CPPS, PNAPDirectorCynthia.Carroll@unthsc.edu
Emily Dos Santos, MS, LAT, ATCAssistant DirectorEmily.DosSantos@unthsc.edu
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center - Office of Interprofessional EducationTX
Renee J. Bogschutz, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, FNAPAssistant Provostrenee.bogschutz@ttuhsc.edu
Michelle Kiser, Ed.D.Assistant Managing Directormichelle.kiser@ttuhsc.edu
University of Houston College of Pharmacy - Interprofessional EducationTX
Catherine Hatfield, PharmD, FNAPClinical Professorchatfield@uh.edu
Texas Woman's University - Interprofessional Education and Strategic InitiativesTX
Noralyn D. Pickens, PhD, OT, FAOTAAssociate Dean for Interprofessional Education and Strategic Initiativesnpickens@twu.edu
UT Southwestern Medical Center - Interprofessional Practice and EducationTX
Kim Hoggatt Krumwiede, PhD, CMIDirectorkim.hoggatt@utsouthwestern.edu
Virginia Pineda-DowProgram CoordinatorVirginia.Pineda-Dow@UTSouthwestern.edu
The University of the Incarnate Word - Interprofessional Initiatives Committee (IPIC)TX
Amy F. Crocker, PT, DPT, OCS, FNAPIPIC Committee Co-Chairacrocker@uiwtx.edu
Jeffrey R. Doeringer, Ph.D., ATC, LATIPIC Committee Co-Chairdoeringe@uiwtx.edu
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center El Paso - Office of Interprofessional EducationTX
Alfonso Pacheco,Email: jcmckee@utmb.edualfonso.pacheco@ttuhsc.edu
University of Mary Hardin-Baylor - Mayborn College of Health Science (MCHS) IPETX
Tracy Booth, Ed.D., BSN, RNAssociate Dean, School of Nursing & Interim-IPE Director for MCHStracy.booth@umhb.edu
University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) - Office of Interprofessional Education and PracticeTX
John C. McKee, PhDVice President of Interprofessional Education, Institutional Effectiveness and the Health Education Center, ad interimjcmckee@utmb.edu
Shelley Smith, MEdDirector of Interprofessional Education and the QEPshelsmit@utmb.edu
Baylor College of MedicineTX
Anne Gill, DrPH, MS, RN, FNAPAssistant Dean of Interprofessional Educationgill@bcm.edu
The University of Texas at Austin - Center for Health Interprofessional Practice and EducationTX
Veronica Young, PharmD, MPHDirectorhealthipe@austin.utexas.edu
Lauren El-Assad, LCSWAssistant Directorhealthipe@austin.utexas.edu
Noorda College of Osteopathic Medicine - Interprofessional Education ProgramUT
Sara Beaudry-Wiltse PhD, ATCDirector of Interprofessional Education and Student Wellnesssmbeaudry@noordacom.org
University of Utah - Interprofessional Education ProgramUT
Justin Rigby, PhD, ATCDirector, Interprofessional Education Programjustin.rigby@health.utah.edu
Sarah Canham, PhDAssociate Director, Interprofessional Education Programsarah.canham@utah.edu
College of Health and Behavioral Studies, James Madison University - Interprofessional Education and Collaborative PracticeVA
Linda Plitt Donaldson, MSW, Ph.DDirector, Institute for Innovation in Health and Human Services, Associate Dean, College of Health and Behavioral Studiesplittdlx@jmu.edu
Vesna Hart, Psy.D., LCPAssociate Director for Interprofessional and Interdisciplinary Education and Programs, IIHHShartvx@jmu.edu
University of Virginia - Center for Academic Strategic Partnerships for Interprofessional Research and Education (ASPIRE)VA
Julie Haizlip, MD, MAPP, FNAPCo-Directorjah4ub@virginia.edu
Beth Quatrara, DNP, RN, CMSRN, ACNS-BCCo-Directorbad3e@virginia.edu
Eastern Virginia Medical School - Interprofessional Collaborative EducationVA
Kimberly K. Dempsey, MPA, PA-CProgram Directordempsekk@evms.edu
Virginia Commonwealth University - Center for Interprofessional Education and Collaborative CareVA
Kelly Lockeman, PhDInterim Assistant Vice President of Health Sciences for Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Carekelly.lockeman@vcuhealth.org
Shelley Richards, M.A. EdEducation Administratorrichardss3@vcu.edu
Shenandoah University - Office of Interprofessional Education and CollaborationVA
Jamie Huff, PharmD, BCACP, BC-ADMDirector of Interprofessional Educationjhuff10@su.edu
Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine with Jefferson College of Health Sciences at Carilion Clinic - Interprofessionalism CurriculumVA
Natalie Karp, MDCo-leader, Health Systems Science and Interprofessional Practicenekarp@carilionclinic.org
Cynthia Morrow, MD, MPHCo-leader, Health Systems Science and Interprofessional Practicedwmusick@carilionclinic.org
David B. Trinkle, MDAssociate Dean, Community and Culturedbtrinkle@vt.edu
Joalenn TaborFaculty Affairs Managerjmtabor@carilionclinic.org
James Madison University - JMU Interprofessional and Interdisciplinary Education InitiativeVA
Linda Plitt Donaldson, MSW, PhDAssociate Deanplittdlx@jmu.edu
University of Vermont - College of Nursing and Health Sciences Interprofessional Education and PracticeVT
Mary Val Palumbo, DNP, APRN, GNP-BCProfessor and Director of Interprofessional Educationmary.palumbo@med.uvm.edu
University of Washington - Center for Health Sciences Interprofessional Education, Research and PracticeWA
Tracy Brazg, PhD, MSW, MPHDirector of Interprofessional Educationtbrazg@uw.edu
Brenda Zierler, PhD, RN, FAANDirector of Research and Training of Externally Funded Grantsbrendaz@uw.edu
Washington State University Health Sciences Spokane - Interprofessional Team-Based Opioid EducationWA
Jennifer Carlene Anderson, BACoordinator, Collaboration for Interprofessional Health Education Research & Scholarship (CIPHERS)jennifer.c.anderson@wsu.edu
Dawn DeWitt, MD, MSc, CMedEd, MACP, FRACP, FRCP-LondonProfessor & Senior Associate Dean, CIPHERS Directordawn.dewitt@wsu.edu
Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences - Northwest Interprofessional Health CollaborativeWA
Keith Monosky, PhDDirector of NIHCkmonosky@pnwu.edu
Jennifer Garehime, BSDirector of NIHC - Operationsjgarehime@pnwu.edu
Concordia University of WisconsinWI
Michael Oldani PhD, MSIPE Campus Coordinatormichael.oldani@cuw.edu
Medical College of Wisconsin - School of Pharmacy Interprofessional EducationWI
Karen MacKinnon, B.S. PharmDirector of Outreach, IPE Faculty leadkmackinnon@mcw.edu
Caitlin GillerEducation Program Coordinator for Professional Labscgiller@mcw.edu
The University of Wisconsin Center for Interprofessional Practice, Education (CIPE)WI
Hossein Khalili, PhD, MScN, BScNDirectorhkhalili@wisc.edu
Roberta Rusch, MPHAssociate Directorrrusch@wisc.edu
Marquette University - Interprofessional EducationWI
Jaimee Hills, MA, MFAInterprofessional Education Coordinator; IPECPC Co-Chairjaimee.hills@marquette.edu
Christopher Geiser, PHD, PT, LAT, ATCIPECPC Co-Chairchristopher.geiser@marquette.edu
Medical College of Wisconsin - School of Medicine Interprofessional Education ThreadWI
Courtney Barry, PsyDDirector of Interprofessional Education Thread, School of Medicinecobarry@mcw.edu
Kelly Horton, MATInterprofessional Education Coordinatorkhorton@mcw.edu
West Virginia University - Office of Interprofessional EducationWV
Gina M. Baugh, PharmDClinical Professor, Director of Interprofessional Educationgbaugh@hsc.wvu.edu
Katie Smalley, CHSEProject Manger, Office of Interprofessional Educationksmalley@hsc.wvu.edu
Jason Craig MBA, EMT-P, CHSE-AResearcher, Office of Interprofessional Educationjfcraig@hsc.wvu.edu