2017 Interprofessional Education Summit

Join some of the most creative minds in team dynamics and healthcare at the 2017 Henrietta Schmoll School of Health Interprofessional Education Summit as they address the importance of healthcare teaming, who and what makes a great team, and how to measure effectiveness .

An effective and innovative team is of singular importance in today’s healthcare environment. Whether in leadership or person care, healthcare of the present and future will be performed in a team atmosphere. The healthcare team strives to keep the person at the center of all they do in order to improve the patient experience and health outcomes, reduce cost, and raise the health of all populations.

What makes a team effective and high performing? Can team skills be taught? If so, how best to do so? Many questions and challenges arise when thinking of teams. The 2017 Henrietta Schmoll School of Health’s Interprofessional Education Summit brings together some of the best thinkers on teams, healthcare, and education. This year’s summit will include keynote addresses, breakout talks, and poster sessions. Learn more here.

Questions? Contact us at ipe@stkate.edu or 651.690.8789. 

Event Date: 
Tuesday, April 11, 2017 - 9:45am CDT
St. Paul, Minnesota