Nexus Fair Vendor Submission
What you need to know to participate
Priority given to submissions received by: 5:00 PM Central
Friday, June 17, 2016
Thank you for your interest in participating in the first-of-its-kind Nexus Fair on Tuesday, August 23 at the Inaugural Learning Together at the Nexus: National Center Summit on the Future of IPE to be convened in Minneapolis.
Nexus Fair objectives are to:
Provide a dynamic interactive venue for organizations, initiatives and individuals from different sectors in interprofessional education and collaborative practice to meet each other and learn together
Share work, policy issues, and trends that impacts your IPE efforts
Make new connections that will feed your interest in and commitment to developing and supporting your Nexus upon returning home
A limited number of the three types of experiences are available.
FULL -- Showcase Presentations with Consultation Kiosk– up to 35 minutes to share practical, skills-based information, tools and resources to a small group of up to 30 individuals. Showcase presenters will be provided with a consultation kiosk either before or after the showcase presentation to answer questions and speak 1:1 with attendees. LCD projector, screen, and microphone provided. Please bring your own computer and dongle if needed. (1.5 hours total commitment time)
Resource Exchange - Showcase your tools, resources and information. Presenters are encouraged to upload featured resources to the National Center Resource Center to share with the broader community. Bring your own computer. Power provided. (1.5 hours total commitment time)
Consultation Kiosk –An opportunity to provide advice and consultation 1:1 with attendees. These targeted communications will allow participants an opportunity for specific questions to be answered. Bring your own fully charged computer if needed. No power provided. (1.5 hours total commitment time)
Nexus Fair Policies
Limit of two proposals submissions per individual or organization. Proposals can be for any combination of experiences.
Limit of two speakers for showcase presentation with consultation kiosks
All travel costs are the responsibility of the vendor
All vendors must register for the summit at his/her own expense
Nexus Fair Proposal Submission
Priority will be given to submission received via the online submission form by 5:00 PM Central on Wednesday, May 4th. All priority submissions will be notified of status by Friday, June 3.
All sessions are intended to be networking and learning experiences, and are non-commercial.