American Interprofessional Health Collaborative Webinar

Under the leadership of Drs. Valentina Brashers, John Owen, Leslie Blackhall, and Jeanne Erickson, the University of Virginia (UVa) has become nationally recognized for its Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation-funded work developing clinically-relevant IPE simulations based on the creation of Collaborative Care Best Practices Models (CCBPMs). Currently, four IPE simulations have been developed using this approach and have been integrated into the clinical/clerkship year where they are required for all third year medical and nursing students. CCBPMS also form the basis for longitudinal assessment of learner competencies using Collaborative Behaviors Observational Assessment Tools (CBOATs) and Interprofessional Teamwork Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (ITOSCEs). This webinar will describe the step-by-step UVA method for creating these IPE activities, provide preliminary results from assessments, and discuss lessons learned toward implementation at other institutions.
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