AIHC Webinar Series: Social Determinants and the Context of Care: Going Beyond the Obvious for Prevention and Practice

Overview: Recognizing the impact of social determinants broadens the capacities of providers and policy makers to improve the health and wellness of individuals, populations and communities. Using a case scenario, this webinar will provide participants with socioecological and trauma-informed frameworks to better understand individual, interpersonal, interprofessional, community, and policy-level implications of early and enduring adversity and health inequities.


  • Provide frameworks that describe short and long term impacts of trauma and early adversity on health and wellness

  • Illustrate the value and necessity of integrating contextual knowledge into integrated clinical and community health practice

  • Discuss the fundamental roles and perspectives of social work and public health in delivering preventive and effective health practice with individuals and communities


Shelley Cohen Konrad, PhD, LCSW, FNAP, Professor and Interim Director, School of Social Work, and Director, Interprofessional Education Collaborative, University of New England

Jennifer Gunderman-King, MPH, Faculty, University of New England

Arabella Perez, LCSW, Clinical Faculty, University of New England

Event Date: 
Tuesday, February 23, 2016 - 12:00pm CST