The resource type relates to the type of file your are uploading or linking to. The resource exchange contribution form will accept any type of file regardless of what resource type you choose, but choosing the most applicable type ensures your contribution will be accurately categorized so others can easily find it. Below are some examples to help you decide:
Any kind of printed document or paper. Typically these are PDF, Word, Excel, or some other type of text-centric file.
Any kind of audio only file. Typically these are MP3, WAV, or some other audio format.
Any kind of video, either in file form or hosted on the web (YouTube). Typically these are MP4, MOV, WMV, or a link to a YouTube video.
Any kind of image file. Typically these are JPEG, GIF, TIF, or PNG files.
Any kind of learning tool. This could be a document, poster, or some other type of file that could technically fit in one of the other categories. Choose this category if you want to help differentiate your resource as a learning tool.
Similar to the Tool category, the Presentation category could include PowerPoint and Keynote files, but could also include PDF posters and other presentation materials that could technically fit in a different category. Choose this category if you want to help differentiate your resource as presentation material.
Just in case you have something so unique that we didn't accomodate for it, there's the Other category. Make sure to give your submission a description title and description to help people understand what your contribution is and how it can help them.
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