Age-Friendly Care and Education Collection

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Physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual distress is common among patients living with fatal illness, and patients commonly fear protracted and unrelieved suffering. Health care providers help reassure patients that distressing symptoms are...

The approach to end-of-life care varies widely throughout the world and is influenced by medical, cultural, social, and legal considerations. The clinician must consider these factors when managing the care of a dying patient.

Dying patients...

The Minnesota Death Collaborative (MNDC) is a network that provides an array of resources in the Minnesota region for individuals dealing with grief, dying, disability, palliative and hospice care concerns. Videos, support groups, fact sheets and more...

The Minnesota Department of Health Mortuary Science Section provides iInformation on the regulations and requirements of the final disposition of a dead human body in Minnesota.

The process of planning ahead for the end of life is something that many want to avoid. Although planning for such a time may not be comfortable, it is an important step to help those who will care for you and your affairs. In fact, some people find...

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The Age-Friendly Care and Education Collection is part of Minnesota Northstar GWEP, supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Award No. U1QHP33076, the University of Minnesota Office of Academic Clinical Affairs, and the Otto Bremer Trust.