Let's Go Provocative and Practical

Newsletter Signup

Barbara Brandt

I don’t know about you, but I feel a lot of stress these days – 24/7 news, change, and uncertainty coming on top of all of our hard work implementing interprofessional education and collaborative practice.  It must be the sign o’ the times.  That’s why I’m looking forward to Lew Sandy’s “True North” compass during the Summit August 20 plenary to continue to focus where it matters while we try out new ideas and refresh our work – and ourselves.  
It’s also why we are partnering with the University of Minnesota’s Center for Spirituality and Healing to infuse resiliency and well-being throughout the Summit.  And, we are going to party like its 1999!

And, we’ve got spunk!  We’ve got innovation!  We can turn the world on with our smiles!

Because we want to have fun and challenge ourselves to think outside of the box, the National Center has dreamed up ideas for our pre- and post-Summit sessions on Sunday, August 20 and Wednesday, August 23.   We are excited with all of our partners who are working with us to design thought provoking new ways to think about our work. Every one of them!

We know you will want to bring your team to participate in the provocative, practical and interactive workshops.  We know it will be hard to choose which session you will want to attend.  Send each team member to a session, and we guarantee that your IPE team meeting agendas will be filled for the next year!

So, here is the National Center’s line-up of spunky, resilient, innovative, provocative and practical workshops for your team:

Wellbeing & Resilience for Health Professionals


De-mystifying Concepts in Assessment: How to Evaluate and Adapt Assessment Tools Designed to Measure Interprofessional Teamwork and Collaborative Practice


A First Look at Preceptors in the Nexus: Interprofessional Learning IN Practice for Preceptors and Site Development


Leveraging Interprofessional Design Thinking to Improve Education, Healthcare Outcomes and Return on Investment


Educating Health Professionals to Address the Social Determinants of Health


Postcards from Patients: Using Art and Patient Voice as Meaningful Pedagogy for Health Education


Transforming Interprofessional Practice and Education through Faculty Development


Maintenance of Care (MOC) as a Team Sport


Food Matters: Cooking as Though Your Life Depends on It

Full Descriptions