AIHC engages internationally at the Winterthur Interprofessional.Global Symposium

Interprofessional.Global (IP.Global) is the Global Confederation for Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice, which facilitates support and exchange between regional interprofessional education and collaborative practice (IPECP) networks around the world and establishes relationships with other like-minded organizations. It was established in 2018, following the All Together Better Health (ATBH) Conference in Auckland, New Zealand. AIHC is the regional member representing the United States. Dr. Barbara Maxwell participated on behalf of AIHC in 2018 and has served as our representative to IP.Global, providing leadership to the group as it was established and grew.

On November 9-12, 2021, members of the regional and emerging networks in IP.Global met at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences in Winterthur, Switzerland to reflect on IP.Global’s initial progress, organizational structure and key objectives moving forward.

AIHC Executive Committee members Dr. Christine Arenson and Dr. Anthony Breitbach participated in person and Dr. Barbara Maxwell joined the group virtually. Key achievements at the symposium included: formally establishing IP.Global in The Netherlands; developing new working groups with an emphasis on wide representation and impact across all of the regional and emerging networks; and finalizing a process for the Interprofessional.Global Winterthur Declaration to be approved in 2022.

AIHC will continue to have strong representation within IP.Global in the coming years, with several AIHC members accepting new appointments to serve at an organizational level, including:

Dr. Christine Arenson, Secretary for IP.Global

Dr. Barbara Maxwell, co-facilitator of the Global Impact Working Group

Dr. Anthony Breitbach, co-facilitator of the Communication Working Group

There will be opportunities for AIHC members to participate in Interprofessional.Global and its Working Groups in the coming months. Please reach out to AIHC members listed above for more information. 


Learn more about Winterthur here:

Interprofessional.Global plans for 2021-2023 can be found here:

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