Transforming Health Care: Creative Thinking for Serious People

The Katherine J. Densford International Center for Nursing Leadership at University of Minnesota School of Nursing hosts Paul Plsek, author of "Creativity, Innovation and Quality" for a two-day workshop on creative thinking in health care.

Quality improvement teams from health care organizations are invited to attend this workshop with a quality improvement or health care redesign challenge in mind. Come and learn how directed creativity can influence your thinking and accelerate your work, quality improvement and redesign efforts. Participants will gain knowledge, tools and techniques, as well as confidence and insights about leading redesign innovations and triple aim quality improvement projects in their health care organizations through the application of directed creativity and design thinking processes.

Visit the Densford Center website for more information.

Event Date: 
Wednesday, June 25, 2014 - 8:00am CDT to Thursday, June 26, 2014 - 5:00pm CDT
The Commons Hotel, Minneapolis, Minn.