COVID-19 Consultation: Geriatric Home Visits for Vulnerable Older Adults

This webinar is part of the Accelerating Initiative Real Stories with Real Impacts: What Worked for Accelerating Initiative Teams Webinar series.


University of Rochester, Rochester, NY
School of Nursing
School of Medicine

The College at Brockport, State University of New York
Department of Social Work

Lifespan of Greater Rochester

Focused Description: The Rochester NexusIPE™ team brought academic programs and the community together as the Finger Lakes Collaborative for Healthy Aging (FLCHA), with the goal of identifying and collaboratively managing older adults’ behavioral health needs better by using a new model of care delivery, and building a workforce of health professionals.  The team is looking to expand the programs and services provided to vulnerable older adults to support their aging in place at home. The Nexus IPE™ program started with a foundational IPE culture at the university and engaged with Lifespan of Greater Rochester, a community partner who believes in the collaborative practice model.  Home visits include Lifespan social workers and University of Rochester nurse practitioner and medical students, and the services provided are integrated into the client’s care.  Ongoing development efforts include involving master’s social work students (Brockport), and the Wegmans School of Pharmacy Pharm.D. students.  

In the Accelerating Initiative, the Rochester Nexus Team implemented a highly successful pilot in an academic-community partnership with Lifespan,to address the needs of homebound older adults..Lifespan began strategic planning to determine how their program could scale as the COVID-19 pandemic hit.  Planning has been put on pause as New York grapples with the COVID-19 crisis.   

The Rochester Nexus Team will present their pilot program, and then we will pivot to an interactive, consultive, solutions-oriented webinar to brainstorm how this team and others could adapt student-staff home visits in order to meet the needs of older adults in the community and advance student learning.  This will be an opportunity for creativity and innovation.  Please join us!  


  • Barbara F. Brandt, PhD, EdM, FNAP, Director and Associate Vice President, National Center
  • Carla Dieter, EdD, MS, RN, Coordinator of Accelerating Initiative and Coordinator of NexusIPE™ Programs, National Center

University of Rochester Presenters:

  • Tobie Olsan, PhD, RN, CNL, NEA-BC, FNAP, Principal Investigator, Professor Emeritus of Nursing, School of Nursing
  • Sarah Peyre, EdD, Co-Investigator, Associate Dean for Innovative Education, University of Rochester Medical Center
  • Christine Peck, LMSW, Co-Investigator, Director, Social Work Care Coordination, Lifespan
  • Ann Marie Cook, MPA, Advisor, President/CEO, Lifespan
  • Craig Sellers, PhD, MS, RN, AGPCNP-BC, GNP-BC, FAANP, Co-Investigator, Professor of Clinical Nursing and Medicine/Geriatrics and Aging, School of Nursing, Master’s Programs

Key Lessons:

  • Home visiting raises consciousness and reinforces the value of interprofessional collaboration in optimizing quality of life and health outcomes of older adults.
  • Academic-community collaboratives are inherently experiential and based on relationships, so they take time to develop.
  • Student engagement with each other and the community is part of, not outside of the collaborative, and integral to its strategic success.

Tool Highlight:  SOARRR (Strengths, Opportunities, Aspirations, Results, and Resources. Reflection).

  • Using a positive, strength-based framework for strategic, collaborative planning helps engage and focus practice and education NexusIPE™ Teams.
  • Discussing the SOARR elements helped us step back from implementing the project to reflect and think strategically to ensure our understanding and actions kept pace with the dynamic learning driving the evolution of our work.

Professions Engaged:

  • Nursing, Nurse Practitioner Students, Primary Care
  • Medicine, Medical Students, Psychiatry Clerkship
  • Social Workers, Lifespan


Webinar recording:

Event Date: 
Wednesday, May 13, 2020 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm CDT