American Interprofessional Health Collaborative Webinar

Empowering Students. Empowering Communities: Interprofessional Campus to Community Learning Opportunities

Presented By: Shelley Cohen Konrad, Jennifer Morton, and Kerry Dunn


This webinar describes two multifaceted interprofessional campus-to-community projects developed and executed in collaboration with community stakeholders and clinical partners.  The CHANNELS Project introduces students to competencies and skills for working with immigrant and refugee populations and community health outreach workers as members of the development team. The Cumberland County Jail Project brings students from multiple health professions together to learn with and from inmates about their health needs and perspectives. Innovative evaluation of these community-based learning models will be presented.


  1. Describe the motivation for, and development of, interprofessional learning models connecting students with community-based programs and services.
  2. Offer examples of successes and barriers represented by two different campus-to-community interprofessional learning opportunities aimed at building capacity and engaging communities.
  3. Discuss student outcomes and evaluative findings that have informed the community-based learning model, their generalizability and next steps in their development.

The recorded version of this webinar and the presentation slides are available through the Resource Exchange, here.

Support for the AIHC webinar series is provided by the National Center.

Event Date: 
Thursday, March 05, 2015 - 1:00pm CST
Via Webinar