American Interprofessional Health Collaborative Webinar

VA Centers of Excellence in Primary Care Education:
Transforming  Interprofessional Education, Practice and Collaboration

Presented by Drs. Stuart Gilman and Kathryn Rugen

To integrate healthcare professional learners into redesigned patient-centered primary care delivery models, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has funded five demonstration sites as the Centers of Excellence in Primary Care Education (CoEPCEs).  The main goal of the CoEPCEs is to develop and test innovative structural and curricular models that foster transformation of healthcare training from profession specific ‘silos’ to interprofessional, team-based educational and care delivery models in patient-centered primary care settings. CoEPCE implementation emphasizes four core curricular domains: shared decision-making, sustained relationships, interprofessional collaboration, and performance improvement.  These models allow interprofessional learners a longitudinal learning experience and sustained, continuous relationships with patients, faculty, clinic staff and peer learners.  Successes, challenges and lessons learned from this initiative will be presented.

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Event Date: 
Tuesday, February 11, 2014 - 11:00am to 12:00pm CST
via webinar