4th International Symposium on Healthcare Communication - Communicating for Patient Safety: Translating Health Communication Research into Education, Training & Clinical Practice.


The Symposium brings together leading local and international practitioners, educators, academics, & leaders to share and discuss innovative practices, educational strategies, and cutting edge research that effectively promote patient safety, skilled communication, attention to core values, and compassionate care around the world.

Symposium Themes include:
1. Communicating for Patient Safety.
2. Building Safer Health Systems.
3. Translating Theory & Research into Education & Practice.
4. Integrating Safe Healthcare Communication Behaviours into Practice–The Global Challenge!

We invite healthcare professionals, clinicians, educators, researchers,
students and trainees, and others from around the world to join us for this
exciting event.

Sponsoring organization:  

The International Research Centre on Communication in Healthcare (IRCCH). With 95 members from 16 countries, the International Research Centre forCommunication in Healthcare serves as an expert collaborative health communication research and training hub where interprofessional healthcare professionals and communication experts work together, translating cutting edge communication research into best practice and training for safe, compassionate healthcare.

Visit the event website to learn more. 

Event program:
Questions? Email Sandris Zeivots, PhD - Sandris.Zeivots@uts.edu.au or Teresa Cafaro - teresa.cafaro@usi.ch

Event Date: 
Wednesday, July 27, 2016 - 8:30am to 5:00pm CDT
Institute of Communication and Health, Università della Svizzera italiana | University of Lugano, Lugano Switzerland, Switzerland