2018 Midwest Interprofessional Practice, Education, and Research Center Conference

Registration is open and abstract are being accepted for the 11th Annual Midwest Interprofessional Practice, Education, and Research Center (MIPERC) Conference to be held on September 20 & 21, 2018. The conference takes place on Grand Valley State University’s downtown campus at the Richard M. DeVos Center in Grand Rapids, MI. The title of this year’s conference is "Developing Healthy Populations, Communities, and Systems through Interprofessional Collaboration." An impressive lineup of keynote speakers will include Barbara Brandt, PhD (National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education, University of Minnesota), and Lauran Hardin, MSN, RN-BC, CNL, (Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers). The mission of MIPERC is to identify ways that the members can develop collaborative, innovative, and interprofessional initiatives across disciplines, learning institutions, and health care systems.

Information about the conference including links for registration and abstract submission can be found at http://www.gvsu.edu/miperc.

Event Date: 
Thursday, September 20, 2018 - 1:00pm CDT to Friday, September 21, 2018 - 12:00pm CDT
Grand Valley State University, Grand Rapids, MI