Invite others to join the community

Connecting Invite others to join the community

Help build the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education community by inviting peers and colleagues to join. This form will send a one-time email with background about our organization and an invitation to create a personal account on the website. If you'd like, we can also copy you on the email.


Below is a preview of the email that will be sent.

You're Invited

Hi <Invitee Name>,

<Your Name> has invited you to join the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education.

The National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education was formed in October 2012 through a cooperative agreement with the Health Resources and Services Administration to create a new kind of relationship—a new Nexus—between health professions education and care delivery systems. We believe that by strengthening the alignment of health professions education and health care practice, and by advancing the field of interprofessional practice and education, we will produce a positive impact on Triple Aim outcomes.

An important part of our work is the online community centered around our website at Your free online account allows you to:

  • Make your voice heard. Comment on news stories, blog posts and other content on the National Center website.
  • Network with colleagues. Navigate to to find other people and organizations who are registered with the National Center. A basic public profile will be created for you that can be enhanced with a picture, a brief personal or organization description, Twitter and LinkedIn details, and much more.
  • Discuss. Navigate to to join the discussion on interprofessional practice and education. The National Center will host weekly topics, and you can collaborate in general forums with colleagues from around the world.
  • Explore and contribute to the Resource Center. Navigate to to find papers, presentations, best practices, videos, and many other types of files in an easily searchable public database. Upload your own papers and resources to add to the body of knowledge.

Visit to create your free online account.