Funding Sources

Patrick Gordan's picture
Submitted by Patrick Gordan on Dec 8, 2015 - 12:43pm CST

Previously Submitted by Patrick Gordan on Mar 11, 2015 - 10:50am CDT as a comment thread

I'm a pulmonary and critical care physician at Mount Auburn Hospital in Cambridge, MA.  Along with a critical care nurse educator colleague, we are creating an inter-professional leadership academy for our organization.  In short, it will be a structured program over the course of 10 months during which time we will work with a class (inter-professional, clinical and non-clinical) to review many of the common core leadership topics that are germane to leaders within the complex health care system we work.

We anticipate that our organization will provide basic funding (food, books, some speaker honorariums).  However, we are looking for additional foundation funding.  We recently submitted to the Macy Foundation.

My question--are there other common sources for foundation funding for our type of project?  Any thoughts along these lines is much appreciated.  Thank you.


Patrick Gordan MD

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