AIHC Scholarship Award

AIHC Scholarship Award

Description: This award is given to recognize and reward individuals who have made significant contributions to research and scholarship in interprofessional practice and education.

Eligibility:  AIHC member in good standing for at least the past two years.

Nature of award:
 - Certificate
 - One year free membership to AIHC
 - The award will be publicly acknowledged at national and international conferences such as Nexus Summit 2021 and Collaborations Across Borders

Application/Nomination Procedure:

Nomination submission deadline is June 30, 2020. 

  1. Chair of the AIHC scholarship committee will call for nominations.
  2. The AIHC scholarship awards subcommittee will review nominations and determine the award recipient.
  3. Self or peer nominations are accepted.
  4. The following should be provided in the application packet consisting of eight pages or less.
    • Cover page
    • Two letters of support
    • Description of research and scholarship in interprofessional practice and education disseminated in the last 2 years. Scholarship consistent with definition by Boyer1, such as discovery, integration, application and teaching and learning, is appropriate.
      • Grant submissions and awards
      • Presentations to IPE conferences including invites
      • Peer-reviewed and non-peer reviewed publications

Selection Criteria:

  • Research/scholarly productivity including peer-reviewed publications and presentations
  • Quality of research/scholarship
  • Internal/external funding support
  • Impact of scholarship in advancing IPE and collaborative practice


Assessment Rubric



Research/scholarship productivity including peer-reviewed publications 20
Peer-reviewed presentations including invites to IPE conferences 20
Quality of interprofessional education and practice scholarship 20
Internal/external funding support 20
Impact of scholarship on advancing IPE and collaborative practice 20
Total 100


1Boyer, E. L. 1990. Scholarship Reconsidered: Priorities of the Professoriate. Stanford, CA: Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.