

Why create an account?

  • Make your voice heard. Comment on news stories, blog posts and other content on the National Center website.
  • Network with colleagues. Explore our professional directory to connect colleagues and experts. General information, including name, profession and organization, is required. You can also enhance your profile with a picture, biography, skills and interests and social media links.
  • Join the conversation. Participate in discussions, through groups and comments, about topics related to interprofessional practice and education. 
  • Contribute to the Resource Center. Upload and share papers, presentations, videos and many other types of files to an easily searchable public database.

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us. Our full privacy policy is available at the link below, but in a nutshell:

  • When registering for a personal user profile, we only ask for your name, email, profession and affilated organization. This information is public in order to identify you as you post on our forums, comment on stories and perform other actions on the website.
  • You may choose to enhance your user profile by publicly providing other information as you see fit. This is purely optional.
  • We will NEVER sell or give your data to third parties.

Full Privacy Policy