Association for Pet Loss Bereavement Support Resources
Association for Pet Loss Bereavement Support Resources provides a wide variety of resources on coping with pet loss, including reading resources for caregivers, veterinary support group opportunities, and training modules.
Serious Illness Conversation Guide
This is a guide designed for healthcare workers to develop effective communication with a diverse patient population facing serious illness. This guide also provides tips on sharing assessment of illness, sharing prognosis, patient goals and values, and how to start and end conversations with patients around issues related to serious illness.
Complexity in the context of palliative care: a systematic review
People receiving palliative care have complex, wide-ranging, and changing needs, not just physical distress, but also psychosocial, practical, and spiritual. Influences on complexity in palliative care are different among healthcare providers and may depend on diverse aspects of the patient's condition, time, and environment. Therefore, this study aimed to integrate and describe the perspective of complexity in palliative care.
Communication Access-- Better Health Starts with Effective Communication
People with communication disabilities often find it hard to get the information and communication supports they need to fully access health services and programs. This can lead to less-than-ideal outcomes for everyone involved. As a health professional, learn how you can support effective communication access to promote equitable care and better health. ACCESS is a framework of six core principles to help lessen communication barriers. Always check your patient's communication needs before starting care using the ACCESS tool.
Trauma-Informed Caring for Native American Patients and Communities Prioritizes Healing, Not Management
Addressing intergenerational trauma remains a public health priority in Native American (NA) communities. Clinicians working with NA patients must express humility, understand local culture, collaborate, and develop an insider's perspective on NA past and present life in order to earn trust. This case considers an NA adolescent suffering from mental distress, possible substance use, and multiple traumas.
Case reports of interprofessional care for clients enrolled in a mental health court
Background: An interprofessional mental health court (MHC) team was created in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in 2014 to help keep low-level offenders with mental health (MH) disorders out of the correctional system. The focus of MHC is on stabilization of MH disorders and rehabilitation rather than incarceration. A clinical MH pharmacist was added to the team in 2015 to provide expertise on psychotropic medication regimens and to meet with clients for medication education. Case Reports: A 58-year-old black male was admitted to the MHC after he failed to provide sex registry information.
Little Helpers No More A Framework for Collaborative Deprescribing of Benzodiazepines in Older Adults
Benzodiazepines are a class of medications that tend to fl y “under the radar” within the general population but nonetheless post a signifi cant risk to older adults when not used appropriately. The current article aims to shine a spotlight on this medication class along with a framework for a team-based approach to successfully de-escalate use when clinically appropriate. [Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 58(1), 23-28.
Caring for Refugee Patients: An Interprofessional Course in Resettlement, Medical Intake, and Culture
Introduction: Refugees access health care at rates similar to US citizens. Many clinicians, how ever, do not feel prepared to care for them. This study evaluated whether an interprofessional presentation could improve knowledge of refugee health and cross-cultural comfort. Methods: The session consisted of a lecture and 3 small-group sessions. Students from vari ous health care programs attended via Zoom. Participants completed pre- and postsurveys to assess cross-cultural comfort and knowledge of refugee health.
The impact of a pharmacist-driven, collaborative practice on diabetes management in an Urban underserved population: a mixed method assessment
The objective of this manuscript is to describe the results of a pharmacist-driven, Type 2 diabetes targeted, collaborative practice within an urban, underserved federally qualified health center. Pharmacists within a primary care team managed patients with chronic illnesses utilizing a collaborative practice agreement. Pharmacists, pharmacy residents, and supervised students provided care for patients with Type 2 diabetes.
IPE & Innovation Full Issue AMA Journal of Ethics May 2023
Interprofessional education (IPE) began as a health and social care movement in the early 1970s and took firm hold in US-based accreditation standards in the mid-2000s. IPE should start early in health professions education and prepare clinicians for cross-disciplinary work culture that nourishes quality, collegiality, and safety in a rapidly evolving health sector. Since formation of the Interprofessional Education Collaborative®, IPE trends have gained momentum.