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Taxonomy Taxonomy Display
Showing 501 - 510 of 571 for Communities & Population Health

Oral Health Connect: February Newsletter

Innovations in Oral Health, February 2015 Newsletter

Oral Health Connect: March Newsletter

Innovations in Oral Health, March 2015 Newsletter

Oral Health Connect: April Newsletter

Innovations in Oral Health, April 2015 Newsletter

Advancing Compassionate, Person- and Family-Centered Care Through Interprofessional Education for Collaborative Practice

Compassion is essential for effective collaboration among healthcare professionals, patients and families. Conventional wisdom and evidence support the importance of compassionate healthcare. So why then are the concepts and skills related to empathy and compassion not routinely taught, modeled and assessed across the continuum of learning and practice?


There Is No “I” in Teamwork in the Patient-Centered Medical Home: Defining Teamwork Competencies for Academic Practice

Evidence suggests that teamwork is essential for safe, reliable practice. Creating health care teams able to function effectively in patient-centered medical homes (PCMHs), practices that organize care around the patient and demonstrate achievement of defined quality care standards, remains challenging. Preparing trainees for practice in interprofessional teams is particularly challenging in academic health centers where health professions curricula are largely siloed.

Emily Leasure - Apr 02, 2015

Barbara Brandt's Keynote Address at University of Wisconsin Summit

The Interprofessional Health Council (IPHC) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison is a student organization with representation from 13 different health professional programs on campus.  Funded in part by a generous grant from Target, IPHC recently hosted its annual educational conference.  Over 100 students and faculty attended "Collaborating for Care: Interprofessional Health Summit 2015," which featured Barbara Brandt, PhD, Director of the National Center, as a keynote speaker.  Watch Dr. Brandt's address at the link below.   

Joseph Zorek - Mar 21, 2015

Partners Investing in Nursing’s Future: Mass./Rhode Island IPE Project

Health care educators in Massachusetts and Rhode Island have collaborated around nursing and other health professions education for years. The Partners Investing in Nursing’s Future (PIN) project, Building a Regional Institute for Inter-Professional Education, highlighted in this video, shows how they worked together to build an institute to strengthen inter-professional education (IPE) in the region.


Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's Culture of Health Blog

Health and health care now occupy a well-deserved place of prominence in the national conversation. Prompted in part by the debate over health reform, we are now starting to examine and question virtually everything we know, or thought we knew, about our health care system—and our own roles and responsibilities as users of that system.

What we’re seeing is a marked shift away from blithe acquiescence to the status quo, and toward creating a "culture of health."

But what does that mean?

High-Functioning Integrated Health Systems: Governing a “Learning Organization”

This white paper argues in favor of a transformation of structure and function of governance for community health systems destined for higher levels of clinical and business model integration. A principal goal of these recommended transformations is enhancing the performance of integrated health systems as “learning organizations” that are able to acquire knowledge and innovate fast enough to survive in a rapidly changing environment. 

Regional Medical Programs

This chapter (from E. Ginzburg (Ed.), Regionalization and Health Policy. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare) focuses on the Regional Medical Program experience relative to the limits of regionalization in a pluralistic system, the conditions for success, and the response of voluntarism to government regulation in health.