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Showing 361 - 370 of 571 for Communities & Population Health

COVID-19 JAGS Article Collection

This web page lists a collection of articles published by the Journal of Amerian Geriatrics Society related to COVID-19 and aging. These articles are free to access.

Source: American Geriatric Society (AGS), 2022.


COVID-19 Resources from Respecting Choices

This website from Respecting Choices includes a toolkit of resources for having proactive planning conversations, tools to support specific treatment decisions, and advanced care planning materials for COVID-19. Resources and tools are free and open to all.

Source: Respecting Choices, 2020


This web page from the National POLST lists resources and tools relevant to COVID-19 and care planning. POLST involves a decision-making process with resulting medical orders which are intended for patients considered to be at risk for a life-threatening clinical event. Resources for health professionals and facilities, nursing homes, and patients are included.

Source: National POLST, 2020.

COVID-19 Resources: Care of Older Adults

This web page from the IHI contains a list of national resources that provide updated information on COVID-19 and older adults. Resources on age-friendly health systems, advanced care planning, national guidelines, and teleheath are included.

Source: Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), 2020.

Understanding Dementia for Dementia Friendly Communities

This video (8:31 minutes) explains what dementia is and reviews how dementia can affect the brain along with risk factors that cause an impact on families and communities of dementia patients.

Source: University of Wisconsin-Madison Center for Aging Research and Education, 2023.

Getting Started with Interprofessional Practice and Education in Community-Based Settings

In this Journal of Nursing Education editorial, Barbara Brandt and Amy Barton describe the impact of the National Center's "Accelerating Interprofessional Community-Based Education and Practice" Initiative and the implementation across 16 schools of nursing in the Unites States, each partnering with a community-based organization to further interprofessional initiatives designed around the needs of the patient, family, and community.

Older Americans 2020: Key Indicators of Well-Being

This report provides the latest data on the 40 key indicators selected by the Forum to portray aspects of the lives of older Americans and their families. It is divided into six subject areas: population, economics, health status, health risks and behaviors, health care, and environment.

Source: Federal Interagency Forum on Aging-Related Statistics, 2020

Get Connected: Linking Older Adults with Resources on Medication, Alcohol, and Mental Health

This toolkit is useful for organizations that provide services to older adults, such as senior centers and veterans programs. The toolkit offers information and materials for training staff to understand the issues associated with substance use and mental health disorders in older adults. Education materials for older adults are also included.

Source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and National Council on Aging (NCOA), 2019.

State of the Science: Long-Term Services and Supports and Caregiving for Adults Aging with Disability (Session 2)

This webinar (Session 2) is from a series of state-of-the science webinars that focus on older adults with disabilities, with an emphasis on independent living. The webinar touches on several topics, including a qualitative study on successful aging and a case study about the dignity of risk and giving persons with disabilities the choice to determine the course of their lives.

Source: National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) and National Council on Aging (NCOA), 2017.

State of the Science: Long-Term Services and Supports and Caregiving for Adults Aging with Disability (Session 1)

This webinar (Session 1) is from a series of state-of-the science webinars that focus on older adults with disabilities, with an emphasis on independent living. It calls for policies and approaches that help to maximize this population’s access to health care, long-term services and supports, and evidence-based programming.

Source: National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) and National Council on Aging (NCOA), 2017.