HTVI: Healthcare Team Vitality Instrument
The Healthcare Team Vitality Instrument (HTVI) was developed and revised to assess team collaboration and patient safety, with a specific emphasis on team vitality. The shorter version was developed to assess the impact of interventions on team vitality.
Education to Practice Tool Kit
The Education to Practice Tool Kit is a comprehensive reference that contains a collection of tools that may be used when implementing an interprofessional initiative in an clinical or educational setting. This Tool Kit is presented in two different formats:
Competencies for Optimal Practice in Integrated Environments
A two-year (2009-2011) interprofessional collaboration of the Academic Consortium for Complementary and Alternative Health Care that was engaged after leaders of the licensed ACCAHC disciplines determined that their principal shared area of interest was to respond to the growing interest of community clinics, hospitals and health systems in integrative health services.
IOM 1972 Report: "Educating for the Health Team"
The conference brought together on a national scale equal numbers of leaders (120 in all) from the major health professions to define the issues in the increasingly important matter of interdisciplinary education, in order to give impetus to more detailed considerations of institutional, regional, and ultimately national levels of health education. The report comprises a description of the organization of the conference and the development of the report, the chairperson's introduction; and the recommendations and conclusions of the steering committee.