Interdisciplinary Teams
No single discipline can hope to meet the diverse and complex health care needs of the aging members of our society. At present, for any typical geriatric patient who is admitted to a hospital, it is quite likely that in addition to a physician and a nurse, the skills and knowledge of a physical therapist, social worker, nutritionist, and clinical pharmacist will be required; also, the services of many other health professions and occupations may be needed.
The British are coming: Some observations on health care teams in Great Britain
Healthcare professionals in the United States have been relatively unaware of the great interest in and experience with teamwork in health care going on in Great Britain and on the European continent. The author's reference to the famous call of Paul Revere, “the British are coming”, is not meant to imply that the British or their fellow Europeans are just arriving upon the scene, but, rather, that, in a more accurate historical sense, they have landed in force and are marching in well organized progression towards their objectives.
Aligning practice redesign and interprofessional education to advance triple aim outcomes
Achieving the goals of health care reform – described by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement as the “Triple Aim” – will place new demands on the health care workforce. Interprofessional team-based care, quality and process improvement, and population health management are not skills that have been emphasized in traditional health professions education and training.
Interprofessional Care: an Introductory Session on the Roles of Health Professionals
This is a script with video and powerpoint slides for a 2-hour introductory IPE session for junior or entering health professions students. The curriculum addresses role recognition and team-based care. The materials are organized into course director, faculty and student scripts, and is a step-by-step guide to implementation in an educaitonal setting using group facilitation. A faculty training guide is included. The materials are published in MedEdPortal and can be accessed by registering for free.
Knowledge and Attitude Change in Physician Assistant Students After an Interprofessional Geriatric Care Experience: A Mixed Methods Study
This is a mixed methods study to examine learning outcomes on Physician Assistant students of a longitudinal geriartics IPE curriculum for 5 health professions.
NYU-Sponsored Interprofessional Education (IPE) Event Brings Together Medical, Dental, and Nurse Practitioner Students for Multiday Program at Bellevue Hospital Center
In September 2013, 84 fourth-year dental students, 168 second-year medical students, and 84 nurse practitioner and nurse-midwifery students gathered in small groups at the New York Simulation Center, operated by the NYU School of Medicine at Bellevue Hospital Center, to learn from one another and gain a stronger understanding of the roles and responsibilities of each profession.
Medical Teamwork and Patient Safety: The Evidence-based Relation
The science of team performance and training can help the medical community improve patient safety. This report, commissioned by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), assesses the status of relevant team training research from aviation and other domains and applies this research to the field of medicine. It additionally provides a comprehensive review and evaluation of current medical team training initiatives and their effectiveness.
A Toolkit for Redesign in Health Care: Final Report
In October 2003, Denver Health began a major effort to redesign/transform the process of care in the hospital in a comprehensive manner. This project was supported by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
This document presents the following information:
The dying patient in the ICU: Role of the interdisciplinary team
Expert opinion supports the application of broad interdisciplinary team approaches to the care of the dying patient in the intensive care unit (ICU). Current literature contains many suggestions about how core team members-physicians, nurses, and patients/family members-could systematically enhance interdisciplinary collaboration in the care of the dying patient. In the few studies of ICU interdisciplinary collaborative care of the dying patient, investigator shave demonstrated improvement in care.
Interprofessional CPR Team Behavior Simulations
CPR Team Behavior Simulation has been one of four core IPEP interprofessional exercises since 2008. In 2012, it was transformed into a mini-course to include online learning in addition to a one-hour code simulation and a live lecture.
The primary goal of the CPR mini-course and simulation is to teach interprofessional communication.