The Use of PBL in an Interprofessional Education Course for Health Care Professional Students
A problem-based learning (PBL) framework was utilized in a series of six interprofessional team seminars (IPTS) for postbaccalaureate students from seven health professions. The goal of IPTS was to develop a collaborative practice-ready workforce prepared to respond to patient care needs through use of concrete examples, skills development, critical thinking, and problem solving in safe, faculty-facilitated small groups. The collaborative nature of PBL closely correlates with teaching methodologies of the IPTS series.
Resource Brief: Assessing Attitudes Toward Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice
Learner attitudes toward collaboration with other professions are critical in the development and implementation of interprofessional educational activities. Attitude assessment provides baseline information, determines needs and can be used to evaluate impact of learning.
This guide, developed by the National Center, lists and links to resources which can help organizations assess attitudes.
Resource Brief: Managing Conflict in Teams
Conflict in teams can impact care quality, patient safety, patient satisfaction, and morale through decreased and/or dysfunctional communication. Although conflict is a natural part of life and work it is often unmanaged or mismanaged and can result in compromised care.
This guide, developed by the National Center, lists and links to resources that can help organizations address and manage conflict in interprofessional teams.
Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice: Welcome to the "New" Forty-Year Old Field
Since 1999, the United States (U.S.) healthcare delivery system has been transforming in profound and fundamental ways.
Partners Investing in Nursing’s Future: Mass./Rhode Island IPE Project
Health care educators in Massachusetts and Rhode Island have collaborated around nursing and other health professions education for years. The Partners Investing in Nursing’s Future (PIN) project, Building a Regional Institute for Inter-Professional Education, highlighted in this video, shows how they worked together to build an institute to strengthen inter-professional education (IPE) in the region.
Lessons from the Field: Promising Interprofessional Collaboration Practices
This Robert Wood Johnson Foundation report profiles the experiences of more than 20 hospitals and community health centers that utilize interprofessional collaboration to achieve better patient outcomes. The report, "Lessons From the Field: Promising Interprofessional Collaboration Practices," helps health care entities assess the potential benefits of interprofessional collaboration and offers a road map to implementing the approach.
Conflict in medical teams: Opportunity or danger?
OBJECTIVES: Intragroup conflicts often occur when people are called upon to collaborate in the accomplishment of a task. For example, when surgeons and nurses work together during an operation, conflicts may emerge because of differences in functional understanding. Whether these conflicts are beneficial or detrimental to team outcomes has been the source of much debate. From one perspective, a conflict that stems from differences in members' functional understanding may enhance team members' understanding and performance of the task at hand.
The Interprofessional Oral Health Faculty Toolkit
The Interprofessional Oral Health Faculty Tool Kits are based on the IPEC Competencies, the NONPF Core Competencies and the HRSA interprofessional oral health core competencies delineated in the Integration of Oral Health and Primary Care Practice report (2014).
Primary Care: Proposed Solutions To The Physician Shortage Without Training More Physicians
The adult primary care “physician shortage” is more accurately portrayed as a gap between the adult population’s demand for primary care services and the capacity of primary care, as currently delivered, to meet that demand. Given current trends, producing more adult primary care clinicians will not close the demand-capacity gap.