Caring for Refugee Patients: An Interprofessional Course in Resettlement, Medical Intake, and Culture
Introduction: Refugees access health care at rates similar to US citizens. Many clinicians, how ever, do not feel prepared to care for them. This study evaluated whether an interprofessional presentation could improve knowledge of refugee health and cross-cultural comfort. Methods: The session consisted of a lecture and 3 small-group sessions. Students from vari ous health care programs attended via Zoom. Participants completed pre- and postsurveys to assess cross-cultural comfort and knowledge of refugee health.
The impact of a pharmacist-driven, collaborative practice on diabetes management in an Urban underserved population: a mixed method assessment
The objective of this manuscript is to describe the results of a pharmacist-driven, Type 2 diabetes targeted, collaborative practice within an urban, underserved federally qualified health center. Pharmacists within a primary care team managed patients with chronic illnesses utilizing a collaborative practice agreement. Pharmacists, pharmacy residents, and supervised students provided care for patients with Type 2 diabetes.
IPE & Innovation Full Issue AMA Journal of Ethics May 2023
Interprofessional education (IPE) began as a health and social care movement in the early 1970s and took firm hold in US-based accreditation standards in the mid-2000s. IPE should start early in health professions education and prepare clinicians for cross-disciplinary work culture that nourishes quality, collegiality, and safety in a rapidly evolving health sector. Since formation of the Interprofessional Education Collaborative®, IPE trends have gained momentum.
How Rohingya Language Educational Videos Help Improve Refugee Interprofessional Health Service Delivery in Milwaukee
Milwaukee has become home to one of the largest US populations of Rohingya refugees, who face barriers to health care, including poor service integration impeded by the absence of a formal written language. Clinicians also face barriers to delivering adequate, culturally attuned health services, so suboptimal outcomes are common.
Nexus Summit 2023 Seminar Showcase: Better Together: Implementing Longitudinal IPE Curricula and Assessment Strategies Involving Multiple Health Professions Education Programs
This webinar is part of the Nexus Summit 2023 Seminar Showcase series. You may register for this and the other webinars in the Series here.
Series Description:
Nexus Summit 2023 Seminar Showcase: We Are Better Together: Incorporating Health Equity Education Throughout Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice
This webinar is part of the Nexus Summit 2023 Seminar Showcase series. You may register for this and the other webinars in the Series here.
Series Description:
Nexus Summit 2023 Seminar Showcase: Interprofessional Practice and Education Through a One Health Lens
This webinar is part of the Nexus Summit 2023 Seminar Showcase series. You may register for this and the other webinars in the Series here.
Series Description:
Interprofessional capability framework
This capability framework was informed by the orginal Canadian competency framework published in 2010 but describes interprofessional competencies/capabilities in the Australian education context. More specifcally Curtin University's health science faculty which includes 26 disciplines.
Interdisciplinary studio-based work-integrated learning
This guide is based on lessons learned from a 12 month project titled 'Archietcuring health' that brought together students studying a health professional qualification with architecture students and staff. The aim of the project was to explore how health and wellbeing can be optimised through interdisciplinary collaboration and space activation. The guide's aim is to assist staff to create, implement and evaluate interdisciplinary work integrated learning utilising design thinking - specifically studio-based learning - as a key element.
Interdisciplinary Project-Based Work-Integrated Learning:
This Guide is designed to inform the incorporation of interdisciplinary project-based learning into undergraduate or postgraduate programs. Interdisciplinary project-based learning provides an opportunity for university staff, students, and industry partners to enhance their capabilities through collaborating on authentic problem solving.