Physician assistant students' views on interprofessional education: A focus group study
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to identify and report physician assistant (PA) student experiences, learning, and opinions regarding interprofessional education (IPE).
The Contact Hypothesis: An exploration of its further potential in interprofessional education.
This paper highlights the research challenges that face researchers wishing to build the evidence base around interprofessional education (IPE). It concentrates specifically on the short-term impact of IPE on a student population. The Contact Hypothesis is a particularly useful theoretical framework to address these challenges as well as guide the development of IPE interventions. A brief description of this theory and the closely-related theories of social identity and categorization is made in order to support and clarify this theoretical position.
Developing theoretical rigour in interprofessional education
In this chapter, the author explores the meaning of theory and the role it plays in the development of interprofessional education. The chapter explores specifically the utility of the theory of social capital in the field and uses this as a case theory to present the dimensions of theoretical quality that is proposed as essential to the advancement of research, evaluation and curriculum development in this arena.
Lack of theory: Educational Malpractice: Developing Theoretical Rigour in Interprofessional Education
This presentation was originally given at the EIPEN 4th European Conference on Interprofessional Practice & Education. Quality of life in health and social care. An interprofessional matter held September 11-13, 2013 in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Learning theories and interprofessional education: A user's guide
There is increasing interest in the theoretical underpinning of interprofessional education (IPE) and writers in this field are drawing on a wide range of disciplines for theories that have utility in IPE. While this has undoubtedly enriched the research literature, for the educational practitioner, whose aim is to develop and deliver an IPE curriculum that has sound theoretical underpinnings, this plethora of theories has become a confusing, and un-navigable quagmire.
Evolving theory in interprofessional education: Conclusion report
Final report from the Economics Research Council funded seminar series on the development of theory in IPE. Precursor to development of the In-2 Theory community of practice.
IN-2-THEORY--Interprofessional theory, scholarship and collaboration: a community of practice
Theoretical awareness is essential in the development and delivery of effective interprofessional education and collaborative practice (PECP). The objective of this paper was to explain the origins and purpose of an international network, IN-2-THEORY--interprofessional theory, scholarship and collaboration: a community of practice (CoP) that aims to build theoretical rigor in IPECP. It explains why the network is viewed as a CoP and lays out the way forward for the community based on the principles for developing a CoP outlined by Wenger, McDermott, and Snyder (2002).;
We are an international network closely affiliated to, and an overlapping membership with, GRIN. We aim to develop social science theory, and explore its practical application, in interprofessional collaborative practice (IPC), interprofessional education (IPE) and research. We aim to build sustainable working relationships with international colleagues to strengthen theoretical underpinnings of IPC and IPE and bridge the gap between theory and practice.
Theoretical insights into interprofessional education: AMEE Guide No. 62
In this Guide, we support the need for theory in the practice of interprofessional education and highlight a range of theories that can be applied to interprofessional education. We specifically discuss the application of theories that support the social dimensions of interprofessional learning and teaching, choosing by way of illustration the theory of social capital, adult learning theory and a sociological perspective of interprofessional education.
A Comparison of two scales for assessing health professional students' attitudes toward interprofessional learning
A peer-reviewed research paper comparing the properties of the IEPS and the RIPLS for measuring attitudes of three health professions (medicine, physicain assistant studies and pharmacy).