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Showing 371 - 380 of 741 for Assessment & Evaluation

IU-Interprofessional Education

The Indiana University Student Outreach Clinic Nexus Innovations Interprofessional Team Intervention Project 

Michael Scott - Sep 16, 2016

All Together Better Health Closing Keynote Address

Barbara Brandt delivered the closing keynote address at All Together Better Health VII on September 9, 2016 at Oxford, England. This presentation synthesized the major themes of the conference and provided recommendations for future work in preparation for All Together Better Health IV in New Zealand in 2018.

Barbara F. Brandt - Sep 13, 2016

Measuring the impact of interprofessional education on collaborative practice and patient outcomes

Interest in interprofessional education (IPE) and collaborative practice continue to grow (Frenk et al., 2010; Cox & Naylor, 2013) but whether IPE improves clinical outcomes is uncertain. A recent report from the Institute of Medicine (IOM)1 is another step toward building a solid evidence base linking IPE to patient, population, and health system outcomes (IOM, 2015). The report lays out general guidelines for designing, analysing, and reporting studies of IPE across the health professional learning continuum.

What and how do students learn in an interprofessional student-run clinic? An educational framework for teambased care

A ersearch paper describing a framework for interprofessional learning based on interprofessional students in a student-run clinic.

Desiree Lie - Sep 13, 2016

Leading Research and Evaluation in Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice

Expanding upon Leadership Development for Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice and Leadership and Collaboration, the third installment to this original and innovative collection of books considers a variety of research models and theories. Emphasizing research and evaluation in leadership aspects, Leading Research and Evaluation in Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practiceshowcases examples from around the globe in various multicultural contexts.

Evaluating an interprofessional education curriculum: A theory-informed approach


Background: This paper retrospectively reports on an evaluation framework applied to a local interprofessional education (IPE) curriculum design. The theoretically informed IPE curriculum spans the undergraduate health and social care programmes of over 10 professions as a curriculum theme. The teaching design and its impact were informed by psycho-social and learning theories.

Aims: This meta-analysis is presented to share the importance of longitudinal IPE, whole curriculum evaluation for comparisons and to advance our understandings of what works and why.

University of Southern Indiana: Student Team Develop Comprehensive Care Plans

Students engage with the Veteran’s Administration (VA) Patient Aligned Care Teams (PACT), as well as nurse practitioners and support staff from the USI Community Health Centers, to develop comprehensive care plans and provide patient care. The teams are charged with developing a plan of care that addresses an individual’s primary health care needs.

Resources for the plan include individual, family and community assessments, and it is developed in collaboration with the IPE team, the individual and the family/support system. The teams also integrate technology such as telehealth to assist and support the patients for better self-management of their health. USI faculty members serve as Interprofessional Clinical Coaches (ICC) at each location. Intended intervention outcomes include improved management of chronic conditions and reduced hospital admissions.

Site Admin - Sep 01, 2016

Toolkit for the Ambulatory Team Objective Structured Clinical Examination (ATOSCE)

The ATOSCE is a simulation and assessment tool involving an interprofessional, ambulatory (outpatient) encounter.  Western University of Health Sciences developed the tool to provide geriatric-focused IPE teamwork education and practice with simulated exercises. Two cases were developed and scripted for actors portraying the standardized patients, a standardized caregiver, and standardized clinicians. 

David Dickter - Jul 20, 2016

Electronic Health Record Recognition Of Safety Issues By The Interprofessional Team During Simulated Rounds In The Intensive Care Unit

RATIONALE: Daily interprofessional (IP) rounds in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) serve as a safety net for recognition of safety issues. Yet, the full effectiveness of identifying these issues is unknown. Our prior study has shown individual members of the IP team are poor in recognition of safety issues in the electronic health record (EHR). IP groups use the EHR dissimilarly and have a tendency to recognize safety issues in predictable domains.

Sadie Strassman - Jul 18, 2016

Introducing the individual Teamwork Observation and Feedback Tool (iTOFT): Development and description of a new interprofessional teamwork measure

The individual Teamwork Observation and Feedback Tool (iTOFT) was devised by a consortium of seven universities in recognition of the need for a means of observing and giving feedback to individual learners undertaking an interprofessional teamwork task. It was developed through a literature review of the existing teamwork assessment tools, a discussion of accreditation standards for the health professions, Delphi consultation and field-testing with an emphasis on its feasibility and acceptability for formative assessment.