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Showing 361 - 370 of 741 for Assessment & Evaluation

Barbara Brandt: IPEC Spring Institute Keynote Address

Barbara Brandt presented the keynote address at the IPEC Spring Institute, Interprofessional Education: Building a Framework for Collaboration on Wednesday, May 3, 2017.

Brandt's presentation, "Interprofessional Practice and Education: So where are we now?" provides a contextual view of the National Center's values and role as an "unbiased, neutral convener" and the environmental and practical lessons learned that situate the National Center's critical success factors for IPE.

Modified McMaster-Ottawa 4-item Scale

This 4-item, 3-point scale is modified from the original 7-item scale and is adapted for ease of applicability to clinical settings. It is intended for the assesment of individuals within an interprofessional team in a patient encounter, to provide performance feedback. The scale was validated in the standardized setting of a Team Objective Structured Clinical Encounter (Generalizability coefficient .73). It can be applied to any health profession. The behaviors/skills observed are Collaboration, Roles, Patient/Family-Centeredness and Conflict Management.

Desiree Lie - May 08, 2017

When Less is More: Validating a Brief Scale to Rate Interprofessional Team Competencies

There is a need for validated and easy-to-apply behavior-based tools for assessing interprofessional team competencies in clinical settings. The 7-item observer-based Modified McMaster-Ottawa scale was developed for the Team Objective Structured Clinical Encounter (TOSCE) to assess individual and team performance in interprofessional patient encounters. We aimed to improve scale usability for clinical settings by reducing item number while maintaining generalizability; and to explore the minimum number of observed cases required to achieve modest generalizability for giving feedback.

Desiree Lie - May 08, 2017

Guest Editorial: The US National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education Measurement and Assessment Collection

Barbara Brandt and Connie Schmitz published a guest editorial in the Journal of Interprofessional Care in 2017, outlining the approach to and rationale for the redesign of the National Center's measurement instrument collection on 

From the Introduction:

Assessment and Evaluation Relaunch Webinar 1-30-17

Introducing the Assessment and Evaluation Home Page: Launch of the redesigned Measurement Instrument Collection and Practical Guides

Interprofessional Education: What Measurable Learning Outcomes Are Realistic for the Physician Assistant Profession?

This multi-institutional study examines changes in physician assistant student attitudes at program entry and at graduation, using the RIPLS and IEPS, and discusses implications for IPE curricula and theimportance of role models for IPE.

Desiree Lie - Oct 25, 2016

Advanced Nursing Education Cohort Engagement

Welcome to the Advanced Nursing Education Cohort Engagement page. This forum serves as a place for collaboration, discussion of best practices, troubleshooting, and networking to help you succeed in your ANE grant activities. Toward the bottom of this page, you will find various topic threads that you may use to communicate with each other.  To start us off, the following  threads are already in place: Introductions (Of PDs and Projects), Academic-Practice Partnership, and Preceptor Development.