Preoperative Assessment of Older Adults
This handout reviews the preoperative evaluation of older adults who are having non-cardiac surgical procedures and provides tips for their assessment.
Evaluation of the Older Patient
This video presentation (48:13 min) given by Dr. Bruce E. Robinson discusses various opportunities for healthcare professionals to improve the efficiency of comprehensive evaluations of older adult patients. He also reviews the role of comprehensive assessments in developing clinical expectations. Finally, he ends his presentation by discussing the role of the clinicial in facilitating good choices for care of older adults.
Source: University of Southern Florida GWEP, 2016.
The Medicare Annual Wellness Visit
This handout from the University of Arizona's Center on Aging reviews the elements, interprofessional approaches, billing, and coding of Medicare annual wellness visits.
Medical Decision-Making Capacity
This handout discusses how to assess and document medical decision-making capacity in older adult patients. A table illustrating the assessment of capacity based on differet criteria is provided.
Lung Cancer Screening in Older Adults
This handout discusses current recommendations for lung cancer screening in older adults. It also discusses possible controversies that may arise due to these recommendations.
Hearing Loss: Epidemiology and Screening
This handout discusses the prevalance of hearing loss along with the different types. It also reviews common screening tests used to assess hearing loss.
Hearing Loss and Cognitive Assessment
This handout reviews the effects of hearing loss when conducting a cognitive assessment. It also distinguishes the difference between symptoms of hearing loss versus symptoms of dementia-related hearing difficulties.
Geriatric Evaluation
This handout discusses the importance of a geriatric assessment along with the different components included in the assessment. Links to various resources and tools that can be used for the assessment are provided.
Frailty in Patients Undergoing Elective and Emergency Surgery
This handout discusses the importance of including frailty in the pre-operative assessment of older adults before undergoing an elective or emergency surgery. It also includes a table describing the different instruments used to assess frailty.
Frailty – Elders At Risk
This handout discusses the topic of frailty in elders. It provides a definition, assessment, and scoring system to assess frailty in older adults.