Frailty Science: Promoting Resilience and Healthy Aging
Developed by the Information Dissemination Core of the Johns Hopkins Older Americans Independence Center, is a state-of-the-art online resource for clinicians and researchers that focuses on the science of frailty and resiliency, and how it may impact the health and wellness of older adults. The overall goal is to improve the understanding of how frailty develops, how to best assess it, and how to best treat and prevent frailty-related decline.
The Value of Dementia Assessments
This activity created by the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences is designed to educate healthcare providers with the most up-to-date information on the value of dementia. The target audience includes all healthcare professionals such as physicians, nurses, pharmacists and allied health professionals who would like to learn about the value of dementia and how it pertains to their respective profession.
Maximizing Mobility in Older Adults
This toolkit contains resources for teaching learners how to address mobility disability in older people in the primary care setting. It contains introductory material appropriate for undergraduate and graduate level learners. This toolkit contains two components: a Learner Module which is designed for students and a compendium of Teaching and Learning Resources which is designed for instructors. Instructors can select the resources that work best for their learners and embed them into their course materials.
Dementia-Related Psychosis: Strategies to Address Barriers to Care Across Settings
This white paper by a Gerontological Society of America clinical workgroup summarizes the evidence related to dementia-related psychosis and provides strategies to address barriers to care across a variety of settings. Recommendations for how to improve early detection and diagnosis, facilitate care, improve approaches to treatment/guideline-based care and transitions of care, reducting setting-specific challenges, supporting clinicians, and advocacy and payer engagement are discussed.
Promoting medicare annual wellness visits
This module discusses the importance of promoting medicare annual wellness visits for older adults. This module aims to educate providers and clinical staff regarding the components, documentation, and benefits in providing Medicare Annual Wellness Visits to all eligible patients.
Geriatric Assessment
This toolkit contains interprofessional resources for teaching undergraduate and graduate students how to conduct a geriatric assessment. The toolkit contains two components: a digital interactive learner module that introduces the topic to students and a compendium of teaching resources. Faculty can select the aresources that work best for their class. Many of the resources are also available in the learner module. Most of the teaching and learning activities can be adapted for use in online and face-to-face classes.
The virtual 4Ms: A novel curriculum for first year health professional students during COVID-19
This article published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society discusses the transition of a required, in-person Interprofessional Longitudinal Clinical Experience (ICLE) curriculum to a virtual environment as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Embedding interprofessional education in the curriculum
Drawing on experience and international research this guide, published by the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia, provides theoretical and practical models to design, embed and evaluate interprofessional education. The guide includes practical advice on leadership of interprofessional education, planning interprofessional curricula, designing, assessing and evaluating interprofessional learning experiences, professional development for staff facilitating interprofessional education and case studies from Australia, New Zealand and other parts of the globe.
Developing an Age-Friendly University (AFU) audit: A pilot study
Delirium Instruments
The Hospital Elder Life Program (HELP) is a comprehensive, evidence-based, patient care program that provides optimal care for older persons in the hospital. Dr. Sharon Inouye and her colleagues at Yale University School of Medicine originally designed HELP to prevent delirium among hospitalized older persons. This site requires establishing an account to access the free materials.