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Showing 511 - 520 of 553 for Patients & Families

Partnering with Patients, Families, and Communities to Link Interprofessional Practice and Education

This Macy Conference that was held April 3 to 6, 2014, in Arlington, Virginia represented the Macy Foundation’s first formal initiative to bring together the worlds of health professions education, healthcare delivery, and patient and community advocacy. The conference was chaired by Terry Fulmer, PhD, RN, FAAN and Martha Gaines, JD, LLM.

Supporting patients’ decision making: Interprofessional perspectives

This editorial provides an overview to a special issue of the Journal of Interprofessioinal Care which focuses on clinical decision making experiences in a variety of settings and illness circumstances, expanding the understanding of models of decision making proposed, identifying gaps, and ultimately helping to determine when, where, why and in what form shared decision making matters for better care.

Interprofessional approaches to creating safe, high quality health care

This editorial provides an overview to a special issue of the Journal of Interprofessioinal Care focusing on interprofessional approaches to patient safety.  The author asserts that the diversity of the contributions to this edition of the journal bears witness to the vibrancy of thinking and development aimed at providing safe, high quality, collaborative care for patients and clients around the globe.

Family members' informal roles in end-of-life decision making in adult intensive care units

BACKGROUND: To support the process of effective family decision making, it is important to recognize and understand informal roles that various family members may play in the end-of-life decision-making process.

OBJECTIVE: To describe some informal roles consistently enacted by family members involved in the process of end-of-life decision making in intensive care units.

Keeping patients safe: Transforming the work environment of nurses

Keeping Patients Safe: Transforming the Work Environment of Nurses identifies solutions to problems in hospital, nursing home, and other health care organization work environments that threaten patient safety through their effect on nursing care.

A companion to the Institute of Medicine's earlier patient safety report, To Err is Human, the report puts forth a blueprint of actions that all health care organizations which rely on nurses should take.

A Study of Patient Response to Student Interdisciplinary Team Care

This paper was originally published in the Proceedings of the First Annual Interdisciplinary Teams in Primary Care Conference, which took place May 3-5, 1979 in Seattle, Washington.  It is reproduced here with the permission of the authors.


Conceptualizing and Measuring Outcomes of Interdisciplinary Team Care for a Group of Long-Term, Chronically Ill, Institutionalized Patients

This paper was originally published in the Proceedings of the Third Annual Interdisciplinary Team Care Conference, which took place September 10-12, 1981 in Kalamazoo, Michigan.  It is reproduced here with the permission of the authors.


Intensive care decisions about level of aggressiveness of care

Questionnaires were used to assess (a) the factors intensive care unit resident physicians (N = 33) and nurses (N = 57) perceived as influential in making decisions about level of aggressiveness of patient care (LAC), (b) who residents and nurses believed should be involved versus who was involved in decision making, and (c) the amount of collaboration they perceived in their practices. Questionnaires then were used to assess decision making about 314 patients.

Engaging Care Teams in

A portal for care teams seeking to increase patient engagement

Philip Deering - Aug 07, 2014