Complimentary Education Programs From The Hospice Foundation
These free Hospital Foundation of America programs are useful resources for hospice and grief professionals, hospice volunteers, grief support groups, or the broader community.Resource includes webinars and self-study programs. Many programs are freely available, though without CE credit. CE credit is available with program purchase.
Signs Of Approaching Death
Everyone’s life is different. Death is an individual experience, too. For some people, the dying process may last weeks. For others, it may last a few days or hours. A dying person’s experience may be influenced by their illness or medications, but certain signs and symptoms are common. Patients who begin hospice care earlier in their illness may not experience any symptoms for many months. But as death approaches, you may notice some of these changes.
MN Directive Document From Healthy Pathways
The MN Directive document from Healthy Pathways is an example of an advance healthcare directive tailored for American Indian and Alaska Native communities. It provides space for elders to share what treatment options, cultural preferences, and decision makers they wish to have in their end-of-life care. The document also outlines what kind of power their decision maker would have following illness or injury if they cannot communicate their needs for themselves.
Weaving Pathways Video Part 2
This is a 6:51 min video that discusses end of care choices for American Indian and Alaska Natives (AIAN) communities members, aimed at AIAN community members.
Weaving Pathways Video for Providers
This video that discusses for healthcare providers end of care choices for American Indian and Alaska Natives (AIAN) communities members.
About the organization: In 2018, Honoring Choices of Minnesota approached the Center of American Indian and Minority Health (CAIMH) to collaborate on a project to increase healthcare directives in AIAN communities. CAIMH assembled AIAN students, faculty and community members to identify to create a toolkit for providers and community members.
Finding Your Way Through Sudden Loss & Adversity
This resource, Finding Your Way Through Sudden Loss and Adversity, will include a variety of lessons on loss and growth as well as practical suggestions on how you can live with loss in a healthy way and grow from the experience. The workbook is broken up into three main sections that focus on living with loss, growing through loss, and preparing for loss. You can think of this workbook as a “choose your own adventure” type of resource. In other words, you do not necessarily need to read through the resource in any particular order.
Educational grief brochures
At the Highmark Caring Place, one of the questions we hear most is, "What do I say to the children?" We hear it from parents about their children; school staff who are caring for a grieving child in the classroom; mental health, social service, and medical personnel; and concerned friends and family who are trying to help a family in the midst of their grief.
How To Die In Oregon
In 1994 Oregon became the first state to legalize a terminally ill person's request to end his or her life with medication. At the time, only Belgium, Switzerland, and the Netherlands had legalized the practice. 'How to Die in Oregon' tell the stories of those most intimately involved with the practice today -- terminally ill Oregonians, their families, doctors, and friends -- as well as the passage of a similar law in Washington State. 1:47:09 min.
The Grief Channel From Good Grief
Welcome to The Grief Channel, dedicated to normalizing conversations around grief, death and dying. Grief can be incredibly tough, but is a natural part of life and can be transformative, instead of being something to be feared and locked away. Our mission is to share knowledge, research and stories that people can relate to, and to provide solace and support. Content comes from Good Grief Festival, which, since its launch in October 2020, has reached over 25,000 people in the UK around the world.
Good Grief Resources
Grief is a normal and natural reaction to death. Love and grief are inseparable – they are yin and yang – so when we lose those we love we experience grief. It is a normal response and it has been a part of the human condition since the beginning of time. You can see grief in every culture. Some cultures embrace this experience more directly than others. Some, unfortunately, sweep this experience under the rug or pathologize it as an abnormality.