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Showing 381 - 390 of 553 for Patients & Families

Securing an Interprofessional Future for Australian Health Professional Education and Practice

The SIF Project has been funded to lead and develop a whole of system approach to Australian IPE as a way of contributing to the delivery of high quality, patient responsive and sustainable health services. The project team is working in close partnership with all relevant stakeholders to ensure that every student who graduates from an Australian university with a health profession qualification at entry level has achieved the core capabilities required for successful interprofessional and collaborative practice and continuing interprofessional learning across their professional lives.

Preceptors in the Nexus Spring 2018 Attendees

Attendees of the Spring 2018 instance of Preceptors in the Nexus: Interprofessional Learning IN Practice, may access electronic materials from the workshop here. This is a gathering space to share news, updates, and resources.

Angela Willson - Mar 06, 2018

Interprofessional Care for People with Multiple Chronic Conditions

The Interprofessional Care for People with Multiple Chronic Conditions (IPCMCC) modules will prepare you to work in interprofessional teams to foster self-management by patients with multiple chronic conditions through the application of proven coaching strategies.

Christine Pintz - Feb 13, 2018

Interprofessional Collaboration and Health Outcomes: A Qualitative Systematic Review and Meta-Synthesis

Several systematic reviews have been conducted on the relationship between interprofessional collaboration and health outcomes using quantitative studies. But no systematic review had yet been conducted on this topic using qualitative studies. The following paper addresses this gap. A systematic review was conducted. From the broad search of the literature, 9 studies were ultimately selected after screening and critical appraisal, and were include in the meta-synthesis.

Yuri Jadotte - Dec 13, 2017

Understanding the Association Between Interprofessional Collaborative Practice and Patient Health Outcomes in the Urban Setting: A Mixed Methods Study

Collaboration among different healthcare professionals consists of effective teamwork and communication that involves patients and families, and is based on a clear understanding of each others’ roles and responsibilities on the healthcare team, and a deep appreciation for the value that all professions bring to patient care. Yet it is still unclear how this collaboration works to influence patient health and wellness, especially for disadvantaged urban populations. This study sought to elucidate this phenomenon using both qualitative and quantitative methods.

Yuri Jadotte - Dec 13, 2017

VA Centers of Excellence in Primary Care Education Scholarly Works

A comprehensive reference list of journal articles, book chapters, webinars, podcasts and press by and about the Centers of Excellence in Primary Care Education 

Department of Veterans Affairs: Academic PACT (Patient Aligned Care Team): A blueprint for primary care redesign in academic practice settings"

In 2010, the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) launched a program to transform its primary care system into a team-based care model in which all Veterans were assigned to Patient Aligned Care Teams (PACTs) in more than 900 primary care clinics nationwide. For those VA medical centers with health professions education programs, this transformation offers the additional challenge of integrating clinical trainees into the PACT environment.

Promoting a culture of health through multi-sector engagement and leadership

This webinar focuses on identifying how the social determinants of health (SDH) impact aging well and how the scope of the changing population will affect future healthcare workforce needs. The three presenters highlight specific interprofessional education and practice (IPE) initiatives where they are engaging seniors as partners in the team with community connections, enhancing community-based partnerships with healthcare organizations, and changing the paradigm of health by utilizing resources in the community to enhance wellness.