Adult Guardianship
This web page from the Caregiver Resource Center reviews what a conservatorship or adult guardianship is, the pros and cons of conservatorship and when one might be a good idea for a family member. It also answers questions regarding conservatorship such as how to set up a conservatorship for a family member or who should act as a conservator and what are their duties.
Source:, 2023.
A Guide to Veterans Benefits
This web page from the Caregiver Resource Center describes medical benefits for veterans in detail along with how to use veterans benefits for senior care. It also discusses the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs death and burial benefits for veterans.
Source:, 2023.
A Guide to Moving for Seniors
This web page from the Caregiver Resource Center discusses the various aspects and things to consider when moving for older adults, including what to consider before moving an aged loved one into a family member's home. It provides 21 tips to declutter and get rid of junk when moving. Finally, it discusses steps to take for a low-stress senior move.
Source:, 2022.
A Guide to Medicare Benefits
This web page from the Caregiver Resource Center provides an overview of Medicare benefits, including eligibility,enrollment, and what is covered under Parts A, B, C, and D. It discusses Medicare coverage of in-home, residential, and skilled nursing and rehabilitation care. It also discusses how advance care planning fits into Medicare.
Source:, 2022.
A Guide to Long-Term Care Insurance
This web page from the Caregiver Resource Center answers various questions regarding long-term care insurance such as who should get it, who qualifies for it, and how much does it cost. It also discusses what long-term care insurance covers and the tax benefits for having this type of insurance.
Source:, 2021.
Elder Abuse
This web page from the Caregiver Resource Center describes the different kinds of elder abuse (physical, sexual, verbal, financial, and emotional) and elder identity theft, and why older adults are suceptible to malicious abuse. It discusses caregiver situations that may prompt unintentional abuse, includes risk factors, and signs of abuse. It also discusses how a family member can protect elder loved ones from abuse.
End-of-Life Care and Saying Goodbye
This web page from the Caregiver Resource Center discusses how families can plan for end-of-life care. It describes how to have a "good death" as well as the process of saying goodbye and grieving. Finally, it provides the stages of grief along with things a caregiver may feel during those stages or what one may notice.
Source:, 2023.
Medications for Memory
This webpage from the Alzheimer's Association describes the medications that may help lessen symptoms of Alzheimer's disease (AD). It discusses the types of drugs used, medications used at each stage of AD, how the medications work, and side effects of the medications. Links to relevant resources are included.
Source: Alzheimer's Association.
Treatments for Behavior
This webpage from the Alzheimer's Association describes treatments for changes in behavior caused by Alzheimer's disease. It discusses common changes in behavior, coping tips, medications for behavioral symptoms, triggering situations, medical evaluation for contributing factors, and non-drug approaches. Links to relevant resources are included.
Source: Alzheimer's Association.
Dementia-related behaviors
This document from the Alzheimer's Association describes dementia-related behaviors, a large group of symptoms associated with Alzheimer's disease. It discusses the potential causes for behavioral and psychiatric symptoms, treatments for these symptoms, tips to prevent agitation, and helpful hints during an episode of agitation.
Source: Alzheimer's Association, 2021.