Taxonomy Display

Taxonomy Taxonomy Display
Showing 31 - 40 of 219 for Leadership

Organizational structure and resources of IPE programs in the United States: A national survey

Interprofessional education (IPE) initiatives are growing due to the Interprofessional Education Collaborative's core competencies being incorporated into health professions educations programs' accreditation criteria. This investigation examined organizational models and structures of US IPE programs using mixed methodology of quantitative survey and qualitative analysis.

What are the 5C's of an Age-Friendly Public Health System?

This document created by the Age-Friendly Public Health Systems discusses what the 5C's of an Age-Friendly Public Health System are: connecting and convening, coordinating, collecting and disseminating data, communicating, complementing and supplementing. Each of the 5C's include a brief description of what they are and how to implement them. This document also includes 5C summaries and examples from the Florida Age-Friendly Public Health Systems Initiative with a summary of each county's implementation of the 5C's.

Working together in clinical pathology

This is a reflection-on-practice describing how an orofacial pathology interprofessional education (IPE) initiative was designed and implemented for undergraduate students in the discipline of dentistry, oral health and medical laboratory science. Six interprofessional competencies were used to guide the construction of teaching and learning resources.

Jill Romeo - Jun 24, 2021

Embedding interprofessional education in the curriculum

Drawing on experience and international research this guide, published by the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia, provides theoretical and practical models to design, embed and evaluate interprofessional education. The guide includes practical advice on leadership of interprofessional education, planning interprofessional curricula, designing, assessing and evaluating interprofessional learning experiences, professional development for staff facilitating interprofessional education and case studies from Australia, New Zealand and other parts of the globe.

Jill Romeo - Jun 24, 2021

How CAB Began- Video with John Gilbert, Mattie Schmitt, Bud Baldwin, and Barbara Brandt

How CAB Began

At Nexus Summit 2017, John Gilbert, Mattie Schmitt, Bud Baldwin, and Barbara Brandt were able to sit down for a few minutes and discuss the past, present and future of the field. In this video, at about the 05:15 mark, the discussion turns to the genesis of CAB.