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Showing 1971 - 1980 of 1999 for Education & Learning

Jefferson InterProfessional Observation Guide

This tool is designed to help assess the extent to which the group being observed is behaving as an interprofessional team.

Carolyn Giordano - Jan 13, 2014

Interprofessional Education Assessment and Planning Instrument for Academic Institutions

The Interprofessional Education Assessment and Planning Instrument for Academic Institutions was designed to do the following: 1) assist institutions in gauging where they are in development of Interprofessional Prevention Education and 2) assist institutions wishing to further advance Interprofessional Education with an emphasis on prevention.

This tool will allow institutions to asses where they are in the development of IPE on their campuses.

RCS: Relational Coordination Scale

The Relational Coordination Scale (RCS) measures the quality of communication and relationships in bounded and unbounded teams. A mutually reinforcing process of communication (frequent, timely, accurate, and problem-solving) and relationships (shared goals, shared knowledge, and mutual respect) characterize the strength of coordination ties amongst interdependent team members.

EMCRM: Emergency Medicine

The Emergency Medicine Crisis Resource Management tool (EMCRM) was developed as a participant questionnaire to evaluate the effects of a simulation-based crisis management course for emergency medicine on health providers’ attitudes and behaviors.  It was used to assess health professionals' perception of the course, Emergency Medicine Crisis Resource Management (EMCRM).

The Emergency Medicine (EMCRM) is a 10-item tool with a 5-point scale that is used to assess health professionals' perception of EMCRM learning. 

CPAT: Collaborative Practice Assessment Tool

CPAT was developed to assess levels of collaboration intended to assist clinical teams in identifying strengths and weaknesses in their collaborative practice thereby providing opportunities for focused educational interventions.

TSS: Team Skills Scale

TSS was developed to measure three factors of perceived interprofessional team skills: interpersonal skills, discipline-specific skills, and geriatric care skills.

The Team Skills Scale is a 17-item tool with a 5-point scale that is used to assess interprofessional team skills. This tool has 1 subscale: team skills (Miller and Ishler,  2001).

TSS is often used in conjunction with ATHCT.

IPFS: Interprofessional Facilitation Scale

IPFS was developed to assess skills in interprofessional education facilitation to aid educators shifting from the more didactic teacher role to the more interactive facilitator-of-learning role which requires effort and skill acquisition. This scale can quantify the necessary skillset by evaluating facilitation skills and competencies.

ELIQ: Entry Level Interprofessional Questionnaire

The ELIQ was developed to provide a student self-assessment of communication, team work skills, and attitudes toward collaborative learning and collaborative working both before and after qualification.

The Entry Level Interprofessional Questionnaire is  a 27-item tool with a 5-point scale that is used to assess  students' attitudes towards  interprofessional education and collaboration. The tool has 3 subscales: communication and teamwork, interprofessional learning, and interprofessional interaction.

MUPM: Medication Use Processes Matrix

The Medication Use Processes Matrix (MUMP) was designed to measure how primary health care professionals' perceive their own and others’ contributions to medication-related processes.

This is a 22-item tool with a 5-point scale used to provide a description of medication-related processes in primary care. The tool has 5 subscales: diagnostic and prescribing, monitoring, administrative and documentation and medication review. 

ISVS: Interprofessional Socialization and Valuing Scale

The Interprofessional Socialization and Valuing Scale (ISVS) was developed to evaluate the beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes that underlie interprofessional socialization and collaborative practice in health care settings.

This is a 24-item tool with a 7-point scale used to assess the extent of shift towards collaborative care in health care settings. The tool has 3 subscales: ability to work with others, value in working with others, and comfort in working with others.