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Showing 1321 - 1330 of 1999 for Education & Learning

University of Minnesota: Utilizing IPECP for Dentistry and Pharmacy

This project is focused on interprofessional education and collaborative practice between pharmacists and oral health professionals by adding medication therapy management services to existing general dentistry practice.

Practical Strategies for Integrating Interprofessional Education and Collaboration into the Curriculum

Interprofessional collaboration is vital for the provision of quality patient care. Thoughtfully designed educational programs can help students of health professions develop interprofessional competencies and capacities, including values and ethics, roles and responsibilities, interprofessional communication, and teamwork (Interprofessional Education Collaborative Expert Panel, 2011).

Women’s Health Curricula: Final Report on Expert Panel Recommendations for Interprofessional Collaboration across the Health Professions

Improved inclusion of women’s health education among a growing cadre of health professionals is a key task for the coming decade. Today, experts in the field of women’s health define the discipline as a product of cultural, social, and psychological factors in addition to biology (Verdonk, Benschop, de Haes, & Lagro-Janssen, 2009). Independent approaches to improve women’s health curricula can promote advances in the field. However, women’s health education would also benefit from a collaborative effort to create a broader agenda for women’s health curricula.

Women’s Health in the Health Science Curriculum: An Interprofessional Collaborative Approach

Presentation given in March 2015 at the 2015 Women’s Health in Interprofessional Education symposium.

Donna Grant-Mills - Dec 21, 2015

Interprofessional Spotlight: Integrating Women’s Health

Integrating women’s health throughout the curriculum is a challenge for all the health professions, but strategies and resources to support curricular change in this area are emerging. 

This blog posts discusses examples of IPE in women's health including Midwestern University College of Pharmacy-Glendale, Laura W. Bush Institute for Women's Health, and Howard University Women's Health Institute. 

Donna Grant-Mills - Dec 21, 2015

Perceived benefits and challenges of interprofessional education based on a multidisciplinary faculty member survey


To identify differences among faculty members in various health professional training programs in perceived benefits and challenges of implementing interprofessional education (IPE).


A 19-item survey using a 5-point Likert scale was administered to faculty members across different health disciplines at a west coast, multicollege university with osteopathic medicine, pharmacy, and physician assistant programs.


Fostering Interdisciplinary Communication between Pharmacy and Nursing Students

Objective. To evaluate pharmacy and nursing student self-perceptions of interdisciplinary communication skills, faculty member perceptions of interdisciplinary communication skills, and changes in those skills after increasing the interdisciplinary education content.

Interprofessional Clinical Education Case Study Competition from the Public Health Perspective

This is a review of Interprofessional Clinical Case Study Competition, sponsored by a medical school (AT Still University/Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine: medicine and dentistry) with collaboration from an undergraduate health professions program (Truman State University: nursing, public health, speech-language pathology, and athletic training).

The Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Scale: To RIPLS or not to RIPLS? That is only part of the question

We live in two inter-related worlds of interprofessional education and collaborative practice (IPECP) by simultaneously implementing and evaluating the University of Minnesota IPECP program, across 21 schools and programs on three campuses and in our work in the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education. We are constantly grappling with “on the ground” challenges and national issues that arise in the center; therefore, we are gaining a unique perspective about IPECP.