Age-Friendly Care, PA Online Learning Modules for Older Adults and Caregivers
Age-Friendly Care, PA is a collaboration between the Penn State Ross and Carol Nese College of Nursing and the Primary Health Network.
Professional support needs of primary healthcare dietitians
A qualitative study exploring the experiences of professional support received, and the perceptions of professional support required, by New Zealand (NZ) registered dietitians working in primary health care (PHC). Intraprofessional and interprofessional sources of support are identified.
CDC STEADI: Best Practices for Developing an Inpatient Program to Prevent Older Adult Falls after Discharge
This CDC STEADI publication provides practice recommendations for screening, asessing, and intervening to reduce falls during and after a hospital stay. This guide highlights 10 steps for integrating a safe mobility and fall prevention program into inpatient workflow and clinical practice. The goal was to prevent falls during hospitalization, set the stage for better collaboration with external providers for post-discharge care, and reduce risk of falls after hospital stays.
The aim of this thesis is to establish how interprofessional education (IPE) can promote interprofessional learning (IPL) and enhance collaborative practice in rural health settings. Furthermore, it examines five different types of IPE activities to find out how IPE or IPL might promote or influence collaborative practice in rural hospitals. Rural practice was the main focus because the research has been conducted by an experienced rural clinician.
The research approach is qualitative and reflects a social constructivist perspective.
Dementia-Related Psychosis: Strategies to Address Barriers to Care Across Settings
This white paper by a Gerontological Society of America clinical workgroup summarizes the evidence related to dementia-related psychosis and provides strategies to address barriers to care across a variety of settings. Recommendations for how to improve early detection and diagnosis, facilitate care, improve approaches to treatment/guideline-based care and transitions of care, reducting setting-specific challenges, supporting clinicians, and advocacy and payer engagement are discussed.
Person-Centered Dementia Care in a Hospital Setting
This educational module designed by CATCH-ON is part of their Basics of Aging Program which provides education about aging and older adult healthcare for healthcare providers, other caregivers, families, and older adults themselves. This module provides an interactive image for participants to click through. By the end of this module, learners will be able to: (1) understand "person-centered" dementia care in the hospital setting; (2) describe how to communicate with people living with dementia in hospital settings; and (3) learn how to maximize function and safety in the hospital setting.
Working in Teams
This educational module designed by CATCH-ON is part of the Basics of Aging program which provides education about aging and older adult care for health care providers, other caregivers, families, and older adults themselves. By the end of this module, learners will be able to: (1) discuss the reasons an interprofessional team can provide better care for an older adult with multiple chronic conditions; (2) identify the roles and responsibilities of possible common team members; and (3) describe how the individual older adult needs determine who becomes a member of the team.
Advance care planning
This module discusses advance care planning that will assist the medical team in respecting the individual's wishes as he or she approaches the end of life. Upon completion of this module, participants should be able to: (1) identify the advanced directive document and how to complete them; (2) discuss challenges with completion of advance directives in those with different stages of cognitive impairments or who may be incapable of decision making; (3) review billing and coding for Advance Care Planning. Continuing education credits are available upon completion.
Working together in clinical pathology
This is a reflection-on-practice describing how an orofacial pathology interprofessional education (IPE) initiative was designed and implemented for undergraduate students in the discipline of dentistry, oral health and medical laboratory science. Six interprofessional competencies were used to guide the construction of teaching and learning resources.
Embedding interprofessional education in the curriculum
Drawing on experience and international research this guide, published by the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia, provides theoretical and practical models to design, embed and evaluate interprofessional education. The guide includes practical advice on leadership of interprofessional education, planning interprofessional curricula, designing, assessing and evaluating interprofessional learning experiences, professional development for staff facilitating interprofessional education and case studies from Australia, New Zealand and other parts of the globe.