Welcome to the Opioid Workforce Expansion Program (OWEP) Paraprofessionals cohort engagement group. This platform was created to enable OWEP grantees to connect with each other to discuss best practices, brainstorm solutions to program challenges, facilitate collaborative partnerships, and to encourage cohort cohesion.
This group consists of recipients of the 2018-2021 HRSA ANE-SANE grant awards. We are a group of Project Directors, Project Coordinators, and key personnel dedicated to training and certifying Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners across the US, with focus on increasing SANEs in rural and medically underserved areas and those areas with a shortage of SANEs.
Welcome to the Nurse Education, Practice, Quality, and Practice: Registered Nurses in Primary Care (NEPQR-RNPC) Engagement Group. This forum serves as a place for the NEPQR-RNPC Program awardees to network, collaborate, and share relevant best practices, resources, information, and activities to advance the Program's goals.
Attendees of the Spring 2018 instance of Preceptors in the Nexus: Interprofessional Learning IN Practice, may access electronic materials from the workshop here. This is a gathering space to share news, updates, and resources.
Welcome to the Nurse Anesthetist Traineeship (NAT) Engagement Group. This forum serves as a place for collaboration, sharing of information and activities, discussion of best practices, and sharing strategies for recruitment and overcoming barriers to help you successfully administer the NAT Program.
Welcome to the FY17 BHWET cohort page. This forum serves as a place for collaboration, discussion of best practices and networking to help you succeed in your BHWET grant activities. Towards the bottom of this page, you will find various topic threads that you may use to communicate with each other.
This cohort is open for Professional as well as Paraprofessional tracks.
Program Requirements for Professional track from funding announcement:
This series seeks to improve health professions training. The goal is to increase the number of high-quality health professionals, particularly in rural and underserved communities.