DeWitt C. Baldwin Jr. MD. A true pioneer in the field of interprofessional health care education and collaborative practice.

Dr. Baldwin, "Bud" as he is affectionately known, has been a pioneering researcher and educator in the field of interprofessional health care education and collaborative practice for more than 60 years. The National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education is honored to recognize Dr. Baldwin as one of three Pioneer Award recipients at Nexus Summit 2017, along with John Gilbert and Madeline Schmitt. We sincerely hope you'll be able to join us at the Summit this year to help recognize Bud and thank him for his remarkable contributions.

During the course of his outstanding career, Dr. Baldwin managed to archive a wealth of materials and has graciously offered to share them with the greater IPE community. The National Center is happy to provide an extensive and expanding digital collection of material from Dr. Baldwin. The entire current collection is available in the Resource Center.

A few samples from the collection we'd like to highlight are:

  • DeWitt C. Baldwin Jr. MD: An interprofessional celebration. 
    This editorial provides an overview to a special issue of the Journal of Interprofessioinal Care focusing on the work of Dr. Baldwin.
  • Interview with DeWitt C. Baldwin Jr. MD
    An interview conducted by Linda D'Avery and published in the Journal if Interprofessional Care in 2007.
  • Maintenance of health care teams: Internal and external dimensions
    The complex issues which health care teams face have contributed to the demise of a number of teams and to the disenchantment of many individuals, who voice a litany of complaints, including fatigue, frustration, interpersonal conflict, energy drain, burnout, and rapid turnover associated with teams. If health care teams are to avoid such pitfalls and gain acceptance, they will have to learn to attend to their own maintenance needs, both internal and external.
  • Territoriality and power in the health professions
    One of the most remarkable developments in the field of health care during the past several decades has been the rapid proliferation and growth of new health professions and occupations.